Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

ARAC update 10


1 July 2011

Dear Farmer,

Earlier in the month a group of farmers (not all men) attended the three day workshop that we had arranged with Foundations for Farming. It was a rewarding experience for all who participated and I would like to particularly thank Brian Oldrieve and his team for the dedicated effort they put into sharing their experience and vision. As one participant put it:”The last few days have been a like a breath of fresh air. Hope for our nation is not always so readily available.”

The course offered a unique insight into how a number of farmers have dealt with loss and how they have acquired a fresh perspective on how to make use of long acquired farming skills in a changed environment. I believe all those present learnt a great deal from the practical demonstrations on conservation farming. Certainly many farmers were aware of the technology but adoption was slow; for many of us we left thinking, given a fresh opportunity to farm we would do things differently next time around. One farmer presenter put things in a very relevant way: “What are you as a professional farmer doing to prepare yourself for the recovery of Zimbabwe?” For those there, the challenge, I am sure has set them thinking and turning things over in their minds ….. We were shown how various different bits of trash form the raw materials to make really top quality compost.

For many of us the parallels of trashed lives remolded into something new and productive is still hard to envisage. The processes, practices and paradigms espoused at Foundations for Farming offer much to our constituency and nation.

In this regard we are happy to announce that a further three day course will be offered to interested farmers on Tuesday 19th, Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st July. There is no charge; we will send full details on request.

We are also happy to announce that Foundations for Farming will host a Ladies Day for wives who accompany their husbands to congress on 26th July. In addition to interesting presentations those who attend will be shown practical quality compost making, innovative gardening techniques and herb gardening. Let us know if you are interested in attending.

In recent weeks you have been made aware of efforts to engage with the Government and others with regards to increased commitment to the compensation issue. We have also been looking at the possibility of pensions secured against claims. Thus far nothing concrete has emerged.

It has been said that communication is at the heart of a relationship. How this is achieved is equally important, it has therefore been distressing recently to read on the web site much criticism regarding the current efforts by CFU and ARAC to service current and past members’ requirements. There is always the temptation to enter the fray with fists flaying when one feels affronted by innuendo or accusation, however generally there is limited point in doing that. On behalf of the ARAC team, I would like to reassure you all of our continued and sustained efforts to advocate for your rights. Progress at times may seem only incremental; there is clearly stress where expectations and achievement are not immediately matched. That however should not be used as an excuse to undermine one another. We are here to serve you, listen and inform. Please feel free to communicate directly with any query or request and I assure you we will do our best to provide a proper response.

Best regards,

Ben Gilpin

ARAC – Agricultural Recovery & Compensation


Tel: +263 4 309800-19 ext 249

Email: [email protected]



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Telephone 263-04-309800-16. Cell 263-712-861726






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