Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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$50m canal project boost for irrigation

$50m canal project boost for irrigation

3-4 minutes

The Herald

George Maponga and Martha Leboho

Government has announced plans to construct canals fromMuzhwi Dam in Chivi and Matezva Dam in Gutu to adjacent commercial farms and irrigation schemes, as part of efforts to make Masvingo food secure by exploiting the province’s high dam density.

The two projects will gobble over $50 million and will see an additional 2 000 hectares being put under irrigation in the drought-stricken province.

Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement Davis Marapira said work on the pipeline projects was going to start soon with funding from Treasury.

Speaking during a recent tour of Matezva and Muzhwi dams ahead of the start of the pipeline project recently, Cde Marapira announced plans to build a 13km  water pipeline from Matezva Dam to Mara Irrigation Scheme.

“The pipeline will supply water to overnight storage dams that will be constructed along its way to Mara and the small dams will irrigate adjacent plots and commercial farms,” he said.

“The pipeline will also irrigate 300 hectares at Mara Irrigation Scheme that will be put under wheat and maize. We are also going to construct a pipeline straddling over 5km from Chidza Dam to Cheeky Farm in Masvingo North where plot holders will put 300 hectares under winter wheat and 600 hectares under summer maize every year and both the Matezva and Chidza irrigation projects at a cost of about $4 million.”

Cde Marapira said at Muzhwi, Government was going to construct a pipeline that is more than 30km from the reservoir to Mushandike Irrigation Scheme.

The pipeline will also provide water to overnight storage dams that will be built along its path to provide water to small-holder irrigation schemes along the way.

He said plans were afoot to construct a weir along Tokwe River downstream of Muzhwi Dam that will feed into the Mushandike-bound canal.

“At least $50 million will be required for the Muzhwi pipeline project that will create a greenbelt along its way to Mushandike Irrigation Scheme because we will build overnight storage dams that will supply water for small irrigation projects,” he said.

“Mushandike Irrigation Scheme is envisaged to expand by 1 000 hectares, bringing its total hectarage to nearly 2 000 hectares because of the canal we will build and I am happy Treasury has given the nod for work to start as soon as possible, but all the projects will be done in phases.”

Cde Marapira said it was imperative for the province to leverage on its abundant water bodies and river systems that provided wide scope for irrigation.

Major irrigation schemes can be set up along perennially flowing rivers in Masvingo such as Tugwi, Mutirikwi, Runde, Mwenezi and Chiredzi.


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