I the undersigned, __________________________________________________ hereby make oath and solemnly swear:
1. I am over the age of 18 and I am currently a resident of ……………………………….
2. I suffer no legal disabilities and have personal knowledge of the facts set forth below which are to the best of my knowledge and belief true and correct and complete.
3. I am the former owner of ……………………………………….(herein after called “the farm”), located in the district of……………… , held in the name of…………………………….. under deed of transfer no _________________________.
4. The Farm was operated by a company called …………………………………….. (hereinafter called “the Company”) and I am the principle shareholder and Managing Director thereof.
5. I confirm that the company employed ………workers who worked on the farm prior to its closure as detailed hereunder.
6. The property was listed in General Notice ………..of …….. in terms of section 5 of the Land Acquisition Act [Cap 20:10] indicating the States intention to compulsory acquire it under the Government of Zimbabwe’s Fast Track Land Reform Programme.
7. In consequence, I paid the full requirements of retrenchment to all my employees as set out in terms of Statutory Instrument 6 of 2002/the law applicable at that time, on ……..of………in 200….
8. Due to their destruction during my vacation of the farm I no longer have all records of the aforementioned retrenchment packages having been paid.
9. I am however in contact with former employees being : ………………………………………and………………………………………….
who can confirm that the aforementioned retrenchment packages were paid in full to all eligible employees. I attach their sworn affidavits hereto in support of the above.
Thus done and sworn at ……………………. on this …….. Day of …………………………….., 2018
Signed: ……………………………………………………………….
Before Me: