Govt gears for climate change
The Herald 22/10/2018
Melissa Makoto Herald Reporter
The Ministry of Lands, Agriculture Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement is going to work closely with other sectors in Government in the adaptation to climate change through the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) programme.
In the validation workshop for the stocktaking report held last week in Harare, the Director of Climate Change Management Department, Mr Washington Zhakata, said they needed to make sure that climate change is being mainstreamed in all sectoral developmental plans.
“The problem of climate change is very visible in Zimbabwe, we have floods happening and droughts are happening too almost year-to-year basis and the end of the seasons is sometimes too early or too late, destroying crops,” he said
“Infrastructures like bridges are just being swept away houses the roofs are being blown away so as climate change now we need to make sure that climate change is known in all sectoral developmental plans.”
He also added that planning in agriculture was becoming difficult because of climate change.
“In agriculture sector we need to ensure that farmers have got the information and knowledge that will assist them to adapt to climate change. This includes the use of effective irrigation and water harvesting, which should be put in place.”