General Notice 181 of 2010
Appointment of Members of the Compensation Committee
IT is hereby notified that, in terms of section 29A of the Land Acquisition Act [Chapter 20:10], the Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement, has appointed the following persons as members of the Compensation Committee for a period of three years commencing the 1st June 2010.
1. Mrs. S. C. Tsvakwi (Chairperson)
2. Mr. D. Mangota
3. Mr. W. Manungo
4. Dr. D. Sibanda
5. Mr. M. Dzinoreva
6. Mr. J. Gondo
7. Mrs. K. Makuku
8. Mr. S. Moyo
9. Mr. Z. Murungweni
10. Mr. C. Nedie
11. Mr. L. Chimba
Alternate members
Mr. F. Ngorora alternate to Mr. W. Manungo
Mr. J. Mukaratirwa alternate to Mr. D. Mangota
Mr. C. Mukwenda alternate to Mr. C. Nedie
Mr. E. Ziro alternate to Mr. Murungweni
Mrs. E. Sumowah alternate to Dr. D. Sibanda
11-6-2010 Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement.