Wheat and barley, controlled produce: Govt
The Herald
Elita Chikwati Senior Agriculture Reporter
Wheat and barley have been added to controlled produce list with farmers only allowed to sell to the Grain Marketing Board or contractor who would have financed production.
Maize, soyabeans and cotton are already on the controlled produce list.
Government criminalised side-marketing of wheat and barley with fines of not more than three times the value of the side-marketed crop for both offending buyers and sellers or two-year jail terms, under new regulations gazetted by Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement Dr Anxious Masuka.
Exports of the two commodities were also banned and The GMB will only buy the two crops from contract farmer, producer or contactor.
The new controls are contained in the Statutory Instrument (SI) 188 of 2021 Grain Marketing (Control of Sale of Wheat and Barley regulations 2021).
“No person or statutory body or company or entity under a contractual obligation to sell to a contract or to the GMB or any authorised agency shall sell or dispose any wheat or barely except to such contractor or to the GMB or any authorised agency.
“Any wheat or barley which is required to be sold to the GMB or any authorised agency in terms of this section shall be delivered at such time, place and quantities as the board or authorised agency may direct and under such terms and conditions as may be provide by the board or authorised agency,” read the SI.
Authorities may seize wheat or barley, vehicle container or other property used in connection with the storage or transportation of wheat and barley in question as an exhibit in the contemplated prosecution of the offence in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.