Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Indigenisation: Is the timing appropriate?

Indigenisation: Is the timing appropriate?

23/12/2012 00:00:00
by Graham Nyakudjga

ZIMBABWE has gone through a massive land redistribution program which 
although successful, has almost brought the country to its knees 
economically. The reasons which caused this downward spiral of the economy 
are varied.

The random seizures of once productive farms, sanctions imposed by 
international powers, corruption and successive droughts are some of the 
major causes of this historic economic disaster.

Were the land seizures wrong? The answers differ according to one’s 

My personal view is that it was inevitable to redistribute land as the 
majority of people were squeezed in small unproductive plots in rural areas 
in a country they called theirs. A need to resolve that condition was 
paramount considering too that it was one of the burning issues which 
Zimbabweans fought for during the liberation war.

Nevertheless, the good thing is that Zimbabwe can reverse the current bad 
image and become a future case study for the whole of Africa in terms of 
economic turn-around only if the government handles the situation carefully.

We have got educated, smart and hardworking human resources, fertile lands 
and when there is no drought, we always receive ample rains and hence 
nothing can stand in our way production-wise.

The biggest part of land redistribution is behind us if we do not take into 
consideration some few reported minor cases of land grab still happening. 
Land redistribution was a major exercise which will take some years for its 
benefits to be realised – if we are not careful.

By that, I mean the government support towards this undertaking should be 
adequate. New farmers need training to view farming as business since most 
of them were only into small scale production, or peasant farming. Funding 
should be availed for new farmers to secure inputs, machinery and pay for 

Safeguards should be put in place to ensure that funding meant for 
supporting farming is not diverted. Agricultural extension officers need to 
be deployed to farms to impart vital farming methods and skills to the new 
farmers. This will act as a catalyst to speed up realisation of big-time 
production and bring back the country to its good old self.

The government is presently spearheading indigenisation of the economy .The 
question is: Is the time ripe for that major project again before land 
redistribution starts to bear fruits? Does the country have enough economic 
muscles to carry itself through these combined major transformations?

There is no doubt the idea of indigenisation is a noble one, but here we 
have a question of sustenance. History, as well as experience, are the best 
teachers. What we learnt during the land redistribution needs not be 
ignored. Inflation reached unprecedented levels and the human suffering 
could not be measured.

There was a massive exodus of people in search of better living conditions. 
If indigenisation is allowed to run concurrently with the land distribution 
program, are we saying if we remove sanctions from the equation, the economy 
will not be affected much?
Is it not going to exacerbate the suffering of our people? How about 
delaying the indigenisation of the economy and gradually address current 
challenges facing the country, then move forward at a later stage when the 
storm is over.

Besides the nobility of the idea of indigenisation, some of our indigenous 
entrepreneurs are unscrupulous, get-rich-quickly minded people whose methods 
of running businesses leaves a lot to be desired. Government will need to 
work overtime to put in place policies to prevent such conduct before the 
country is further ruined.

We have seen what it’s like when some indigenous people run the show. 
Professionalism is disregarded to its maximum. Corruption is the order of 
the day. Business ethics are never taken seriously. Before wholesale 
indigenisation is implemented, the government should let the already running 
indigenous businesses keep competing with foreign-based entities.

This will help them learn to appreciate professionalism and embrace business 
ethics. That learning curve will prove very crucial when total 
indigenisation policies are implemented in the future. The other problem 
with indigenous businesses is that they want instant profits whereas profits 
should gradually build up. Quick profits are usually a result of corruption.

This type of business operation does not allow or present equal 
opportunities to everyone but to some few usually politically-connected 
individuals. Zimbabwe cannot allow itself to indulge in such ways as it does 
not help it develop and compete on the international platform.

Don’t get me wrong and construe me as painting all indigenous businesses 
with the same brush. Not at all! We have an example of Econet Wireless, an 
indigenous company which is the largest Telco in Zimbabwe, and many people 
envy the company and admire its prosperity. That should be commended, and I 
wish many local companies emulate Econet Wireless and run their enterprises 

Policy makers should be urged to keep on brainstorming and formulating these 
invaluable policies to better the lives of Zimbabweans. Proper planning and 
reasoning should be the order of the day.

Ruling a country is big business and the effects should be shown by living 
standards of the majority. We are no longer a colony of any country, and 
that should motivate us to excel and refuse mediocrity.

Viva Zimbabwe.

Graham Nyakudjga is a Zimbabwean based in Australia. He can be contacted on 
[email protected]


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