Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Arda targets 12 000t winter wheat

Arda targets 12 000t winter wheat
Mr Basil Nyabadza

Mr Basil Nyabadza

Sukulwenkosi Dube-Matutu Plumtree Correspondent
THE Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (Arda) is set to plant a combined 1 350 hectares of wheat at Ingwizi and Antelope Estates this winter with a projected output of 11 850 tonnes.

Arda board chairman, Mr Basil Nyabadza said 500 hectares has been planted so far at Antelope Estate while 120 hectares has been planted at Ingwizi Estate.

He said a yield of nine tonnes per hectare was expected at Antelope while Ingwizi Estate was expected to produce 8,5 tonnes per hectare.

“We have started planting wheat for the winter crop and the process is still ongoing at Ingwizi and Antelope Estates. Our target is to plant about 750 hectares at Antelope and 600 hectares at Ingwizi. However, we might increase the hectarage if resources and time permit,” said Mr Nyabadza in an interview.

He said they planted 584 hectares of maize crop at Ingwizi Estate for the summer crop and had managed to harvest 230 hectares with an average output of nine tonnes per hectare while 500 hectares, which was planted at Antelope has been harvested with an average of 8,5 tonnes per hectare.

Arda is one of the key institutions that are participating under the Command Agriculture programme, a Government initiative meant to improve food security.

Mr Nyabadza said plans were underway to expand the Ingwizi Estate from 600 hectares to 750 hectares in preparation for the summer cropping. He said they were also set to establish a 500- hectare plantation of pecan nuts in Mangwe District.

“We are working on a new project to establish a pecan nuts plantation in Mangwe District. We are yet to identify the land but our target is to get land close to Ingwizi Dam.

“Once we have identified land we will approach the relevant authorities. We expect to meet and discuss the finer details regarding this project with our partner next month,” he said.

Mr Nyabadza said the pecan nuts plantation will create many jobs for the locals.

He said plans were also underway to improve pastures on an area covering 2 000 hectares

in Mangwe District under the Arda led pastures development programme.

Mr Nyabadza said a portion of land ideal for the project had been identified near Ingwizi Dam.

He said the programme which was starting in Mangwe, will be spread to other districts in Matabeleland South province. — @DubeMatutu.


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