Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Battle rages over Save Conservancy

Battle rages over Save Conservancy

September 21, 2012 in Opinion
WHILE some stakeholders have with cautious optimism welcomed President 
Robert Mugabe’s resolve to deal with the latest demonstration of greed by 
senior Zanu PF officials and army commanders who have grabbed wildlife 
conservancies, uncertainty lingers over the fate of Save Valley Conservancy.

Report by Herbert Moyo
Tourism minister Walter Mzembi must have felt a deep sense of vindication 
after Mugabe reportedly tore into army commanders and senior Zanu PF 
officials at a recent politburo meeting for grabbing lucrative safari 
landholdings in the Save Valley Conservancy, the largest private wildlife 
sanctuary in the world, for self-aggrandisement.

Mugabe ordered all army commanders and senior party officials who invaded 
conservancies to move out immediately, while demanding that all 
conservancies must now be turned into national parks.

Consequently, there would be massive evictions of army commanders, 
ministers, senior civil servants and top Zanu PF officials from safari areas 
across the country which they had expropriated and are making a killing 
through hunting activities and even slaughtering animals to sell meat.

Mugabe reportedly described the bigwigs as “greedy”, and his choice of words 
was in sync with Mzembi who was criticised by his Zanu PF colleagues for 
daring to say the latest land seizures were counterproductive and would dent 
the country’s image ahead of next year’s United Nations World Tourism 
Organisation Conference.

Zanu PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo confirmed the politburo had set up a 
committee including Environment minister Francis Nhema, Mzembi, Lands 
minister Herbert Murerwa and Local Government minister Ignatius Chombo to 
look into the feasibility of turning the conservancies into national parks, 
and also propose models that ensure communities also benefit.

While players in the country’s tourism industry — showing signs of recovery 
following Zimbabwe’s prolonged socio-economic meltdown accompanied by 
near-pariah status — have applauded Mugabe for putting his foot firmly down 
on the wildlife land grab, they are wary the decision to transform the 
conservancies into national parks, which like other parastatals have been 
performing dismally, a move they fear would be ruinous to the 

Given that infrastructure in national parks is run-down and rampant poaching 
is the order of the day, it is difficult to appreciate how turning 
conservancies, which have been well run by a combination of foreign 
investors and locals, into national parks would assist costly conservation 
efforts, continue to attract much-needed tourists and benefit local 

Sources in the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) board told the Zimbabwe 
Independent this week the department of national parks and wildlife recently 
admitted in a board meeting they have failed to run national parks. The 
Ministry of Tourism and the ZTA are now advocating a broad-based approach, 
which would ensure continued investment into the conservancies in 
partnership with local communities.

Mzembi, who has been fighting for the reversal of Nhema’s controversial 
“wildlife reform” policy, was thrilled by the president’s decision to 
withdraw the leases from “greedy” individuals, saying it demonstrated 
commitment by the government and Zanu PF to empower local communities, 
preserve wildlife and promote tourism.

“Without being briefed on the policy outcome including the terms of 
reference, if what is being reported that there has been a policy shift from 
empowering individuals to a broad-based approach is true, then this is 
exactly what we have been fighting for,” Mzembi told the Independent this 

ZTA boss Karikoga Kaseke said his organisation supports broad-based 
initiatives and expressed eagerness to appear before the committee to make 
recommendations on the suitability of transforming conservancies into 
national parks.

However, MDC-T Masvingo provincial secretary Tongai Matutu blasted Zanu PF, 
pointing out it should have been cabinet, not the politburo to decide on the 
conservancy battle. He described the decision to convert all conservancies 
into national parks as “tantamount to nationalisation which is not part of 
government policy”.

“It will only accelerate looting, poaching and other forms of asset 
stripping,” he warned, “as national parks are a parastatal headed by 
political appointees who have no culture of transparency in their operations 
but sing for their supper,” he said.

For Matutu, the best way forward would be to adopt a model which facilitates 
the empowerment of local communities, like the share-ownership trusts, in 
partnership with foreign entrepreneurs. Chiredzi chiefs Tshovani and Gudo 
have concurred, accusing Nhema and Masvingo governor Titus Maluleke of going 
against the concept of broad-based empowerment by prioritising a few 
individuals and falsely claiming chiefs had endorsed the appropriation of 

Vice-chairman of the Save Valley Conservancy Wilfried Pabst also agreed with 
the chiefs.

Pabst said they had already fully complied with indigenisation because 
two-thirds of all properties in the conservancy have indigenous partners and 
they had the full support of another parastatal, Arda.

“The chairman of Arda, who has a property within Save, is also the chairman 
of Save and I am the vice-chair,” he said.

“The wildlife-based land reform policy Maluleke refers to and which has been 
waved in our face for years does not exist. However, Save Conservancy 
general manager David Goosen said there should be a balance of interests in 
handling the issue. “This is obviously something big and it has to be 
debated because there are a lot of factors to consider including balancing 
the government’s desire for indigenisation against the need to attract and 
retain foreign investors, as well as ensuring local communities benefit from 
the proceeds of conservancies in their areas, in addition to ensuring 
sustainable conservation of wildlife resources.”

Goosen said the country should be looking at crafting policies to turn more 
of Zimbabwe’s arid areas in natural farming regions four and five into 
conservancies, noting this would not only promote tourism and conserve 
wildlife, but also ensure employment for thousands of jobless locals.

So while some will breathe a sigh of relief at the eviction of “greedy” Zanu 
PF heavyweights whose presence in conservancies was threatening to decimate 
flora and fauna and cause environmental degradation, there is still 
uncertainty on what will happen to world-renowned Save Valley Conservancy.


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