Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Be on the lookout for diseases, farmers warned

Be on the lookout for diseases, farmers warned


The Herald

Manicaland Correspondent

FARMERS must be vigilant against fungal and bacterial disease attacks on winter crops if they are to realise profits, an Agritex official has said.

Manicaland provincial agronomist Mr Thomas Sakuhuni said this recently in an interview with The Herald.

“Despite the cold weather, winter crops are also prone to fungal and bacterial disease attacks,” he said. “This is especially true for broadleaf crops such as sugar beans, potatoes and tomatoes, to mention just a few. Winter wheat, especially the late planted crop, is also susceptible to disease attacks.”

Mr Sakuhuni urged farmers to constantly monitor their crops to identify and deal with possible fungal and bacterial disease attacks.

“Farmers must constantly monitor their crops by scouting for symptoms of disease infestation,” he said. “The most prominent diseases are the blights (early and late) and rust.”

Mr Sakuhuni said disease was found everywhere in the country, especially in places that grow winter crops such as Middle Sabi in Chipinge.

“All areas, especially irrigation schemes and resettled regions that have winter crops are very likely to be affected by the disease if they grow winter crops,” he said.

“It is tailored to suit all areas of the country’s provinces.”

Due to cold weather conditions, incidences of fungal and bacterial disease attacks are heightened.

“To make matters worse these diseases are encouraged by weather conditions that we are currently experiencing,” said Mr Sakuhuni. “We are sometimes having warm moist conditions because of the drizzle alternating with hot sunny days.

“The spread of the disease is fast in the fields. I urge farmers to do prophylactic sprays even before the diseases have been noticed.”

Mr Sakuhuni said waiting until symptoms of infestation were visible might result in losses.

“Among other chemicals or fungicides, farmers can spray using Copper oxychloride, Mancozeb/Dithane M45, Shavit,” he said. “Spraying once every 10 days will ensure effective control.”


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