Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Best Fruits commences tomato paste line

Best Fruits commences tomato paste line

TorturedTomatoes091113Martin Kadzere Senior Business Reporter
BEST Fruit Processors, a joint venture between Schweppes Zimbabwe’s 100 percent owned Beitbridge Juicing Co and the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority has commenced its tomato paste line, ARDA chairman Mr Basil Nyabadza said last week. The company started a trial run of the plant in January this year, processing mango and guava and has now gone into full scale production of tomato paste, mainly for export markets.

“We started this week and it is running full time,” said Mr Nyabadza in an interview. “We started with a few of farmers and we are now looking at expanding our outgrower base.” The outgrower scheme will cover areas such as Mamina, Seke, Chinamora, Zvimba districts.

The company, which was revived following injection of $2,4 million is expected to generate $4,6 million in revenue this year. The overall market share for the business was expected to grow in the next five years, largely driven by exports, which will contribute 88 percent of revenue in the next five year, according to the company.

It is processing about 100 tonnes of tomatoes per day. To ensure uninterrupted of raw material supplies, the company will engage more than 3 000 farmers to grow tomatoes. In partnership with Arda, the company is looking at developing 300 hectares of tomatoes, 200 ha of oranges and 200 ha of mangos at Arda Sanyati Estate, the company said.

At Arda Nijo Estate, 40 ha of passion fruit will be established. BFP, through an arrangement with some local financial institutions will be assisting contracted farmers with inputs such as appropriate variety seeds and seedlings, chemicals and fertilizers.

BFP agronomists and inputs strategic partners will also offer technical support to guarantee farmer success. The company plans to spend about $2 million this year on a plant upgrade and working capital to support the Norton plant. A number of jobs have been created and the outgrower scheme is expected to create thousands more.


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