Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Brothers in lucrative horticulture venture

Brothers in lucrative horticulture venture

Mash Central Bureau

Three Mvurwi brothers reckon horticulture is the way to go by producing strawberries at Mandindindi Farm and selling them in Bindura, Mvurwi and Glendale.

The trio are hoping to export their produce to generate foreign currency and venture into value addition.

Innocent Kandinga (28) and his brothers Earnest (35) and Silas (33) have 2ha of strawberry and 3 700 guava trees.

They are looking for partners and investors to help them expand and find new markets since part of their produce is rotting in the field.

The trio is aiming to make their own brand of fruit juices, drinks, yoghurts and jams among other by-products.

They are also producing their own strawberry seeds but are failing to get enough buyers for them. Innocent said they are failing to penetrate the local market and have resorted to selling their strawberries in Bindura, Mvurwi and Glendale. In a day they make an average of US$120 but they have potential of raising US$2 000 if they sell their produce in supermarkets.

“We approached local supermarkets and they have not been forthcoming. We resolved to sell our strawberries in Bindura, Mvurwi and Glendale and our customers are happy,” he said.

“We are harvesting two hectares of strawberries and we have 3 700 guava trees that are at flowering stage. We harvest what we can and leave the rest to rot in the field.

“The strawberry project was started by our late father Maxwell in 2000. He passed away in 2013 and I am a full time farmer concentrating on strawberry and guava production.”

He said the strawberry seeds they produce are enough for 10 000 hectares.


Zinwa hikes water tariffs

Zinwa hikes water tariffs The Chronicle 17/1/2022 Midlands Bureau Chief THE Zimbabwe National Water Authority has reviewed upwards tariffs of both treated and raw water.

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Tugwi-Mukosi spills

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