Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Chiredzi: Wasted land of immense potential

Chiredzi: Wasted land of immense potential

Wednesday, 01 August 2012 21:03

Nelson Chenga, Staff Reporter

CHIREDZI, in Masvingo Province’s south eastern Lowveld, is a place described 
in the country’s geography textbooks as a land of vast money-spinning 
sugarcane estates. But it is also a place contemporary journalism fondly 
likes to identify with hunger, drought and searing heat.
All the descriptions are indeed true portraits of a land that is physically 
separated into two contrasting images by one simple feature: the 200-metre 
wide Runde River.
Occupying Runde’s northern bank are the lush Triangle, Mkwasine and Hippo 
Valley sugarcane plantations while on the southern bank are the dry and 
khaki communal lands, all reflecting on an enduring colonial legacy that 32 
years of the country’s independence has failed to amend.
Chiredzi, before 1930, was undeniably hunger-stricken, drought-prone and 
simmering under sweltering tropical heat, but the lone efforts of a Thomas 
Murray Macdougall, who in 1931, decided to tame the hostile savannah 
countryside using water from Mutirikwe River, turned Runde’s northern bank 
into the luxuriance it is today.
Macdougall’s efforts to tame 300 000 hectares of part of hostile Chiredzi, 
which began as far back as before the First World War when he was involved 
in cattle ranching then ended with the sugarcane estates that have endured 
time to this day. The southern bank of Runde, where the indigenous 
population has lived for generations, remained stuck in the belly of a 
hostile environment until today.
However, the success of Macdougall’s individual venture reflects on the 
potential the entire Chiredzi District possesses, albeit its hostile 
setting. The sugarcane greenbelt, occupying just over 300 square kilometres 
of countryside, is a mere two percent of the entire district measuring 
nearly 15 000 square kilometres.
Although the largest part of Chiredzi is yearning for development through 
irrigation similar to that currently taking place north of Runde River, some 
Zimbabwean politicians who are seeking to redress colonial economic 
imbalances, are gunning for a share of the sugarcane greenbelt instead.
Demands that Triangle and Hippo Valley Estates, owned by Tangaat Hulett, 
cede 51 percent of the business to indigenous business people, are probably 
missing the point as The Financial Gazette observed recently. Even the 
spirited demand that conglomerates cede 10 percent of their shares to local 
communities is an empowerment drive that will forever condemn the rest of 
the district to underdevelopment given past experiences with programmes such 
as the Social Development Fund that has been abused left right and centre by 
Obtaining 51 percent ownership of the present sugar estates does not 
translate to people being able to avert hunger due to incessant droughts 
wrought by the hostile environment they live in because only a handful of 
individuals will enjoy the benefits.
Also, the country’s 10 percent Community Share Ownership Scheme model is 
ideal for communities with mining enterprises, but it is probably not the 
best option for the agro-industrial sector given the ever highly volatile 
commodity price regime on the international market, this reporter also 
ZANU-PF politburo member, Dzikamai Mavhaire, who is also a resident of 
Masvingo Province, hit the bull’s eye recently when he said: “Land ownership 
does not create wealth. Land production creates wealth,” adding that it is 
time that appropriate farming methods be applied in each natural region of 
the country.
Inspirational to anyone who loves tilling the land, Zimbabwe’s south eastern 
sugarcane estates, bound between Mutirikwe, Chiredzi and Runde rivers, can 
easily be a strong basis to unleash the latent wealth that abounds in 
In 1977 Colin Saunders, author of a book about the life of the pioneer of 
the sugarcane plantations titled: Murray Macdougall and the Story of 
Triangle, wrote: “The story of MacDougall’s pioneering feats in establishing 
the possibilities of large-scale irrigation in the south eastern Lowveld of 
Rhodesia is one of the great epics of human endeavour of our time, and his 
single-minded faith and determination provided a solid foundation on which 
were built the fortunes of a great company, whose example has already been 
followed, with success, by neighbours, and by other organisations which one 
can only hope will increase vastly, in the interest of our country.”
Granted, colonial rule was the worst thing that could have ever happened to 
the indigenous people of Zimbabwe but building upon some of the positive 
legacies, which at one time benefited a few white colonialists, can only 
make Zimbabwe much greater than what it is today.
With Triangle and Hippo Valley estates currently managing to satisfy only 20 
percent of the estates’ total combined milling capacity of 600 000 tonnes of 
sugar from 4,8 million tonnes of cane, room for new players is vast 
especially given the existing high demand for Zimbabwean sugar by the 
European Union (EU) nations.
More land beyond that currently occupied by Triangle and Hippo Valley can be 
opened up as the Tokwe-Murkosi Dam long-term development agenda suggest.
The completion of Tokwe-Murkosi Dam, currently under construction in 
Masvingo’s Chivi District, will result in the development of five irrigation 
schemes, Tokwane North, Tokwane South, Hippo Valley, Runde South and Matibi 
II, with Matibi II, located south of Runde River, billed to be the largest 
small-scale irrigation development ever to happen in the country.
The total irrigated area, whose development is expected to last a decade 
after the completion of Tokwe-Murkosi Dam construction, is expected to be 2 
400 square kilometres or 39 000 hectares, exceeding Triangle and Hippo 
Valley estates by more than 10 000 hectares. It is envisaged that 65 percent 
of the irrigated area will be set aside for sugarcane, 24 percent for fruit 
production while 11 percent will be for annual crops for the resettled and 
communal farmers. This, however, is a pipedream that has existed in the 
country’s State blueprints for nearly half a century now.
Evidence on the ground, as exhibited by the villagers’ determined efforts to 
make hostile Chiredzi as comfortable as possible, indicates that something 
can meanwhile be done to unleash the area’s vast potential.
From the dust bawls of Chiredzi, at Mapume Village under Chief Masivamela 
some 50km from Runde River, the Chiwara family managed to harvest a tonne of 
healthy maize in a district where such a harvest is presently an 
unimaginable feat.
“It is virtually impossible to grow maize here but we managed to do so 
through conservation farming,” said Patricia Chiwara adding: “It was tough 
when we started but working as a group of four other farmers the task became 
The ‘miraculous’ family harvest, from half a hectare of land, was achieved 
by purely relying on the area’s highly unpredictable rainfall which is 
largely detected by a climatic condition that allows less than 450 
millimetres of rain every year.
About 10 kilometres away from the Chiwara’s homestead, at Chinyetu Village, 
the Matimbe family has turned part of the seemingly barren Mopani 
tree-studded landscape into a small greenbelt the size of a football field.
Flourishing on the small plot, by means of irrigation, are several types of 
vegetables and legumes in such a beautiful scene that one cannot help but 
From the healthy looking herds of cattle and goats foraging for pastures in 
the countryside, Chiredzi is undoubtedly also suitable for intensive and 
extensive livestock production.
But unfortunately, as this reporter learnt, the majority of cattle are 
hardly offered for sale: They are mere symbols of wealth in a land that is 
ironically stalked by hunger due to perennial crop failure.
It is also doubtful whether the EU community’s yearning calls for the 
country’s world-class organic beef has ever reached this land. 


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