Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Court Evicts Mohadi from “His” Plot

Court Evicts Mohadi from “His” Plot

Bulawayo, February 12, 2012- High Court Judge Justice Lawrence Kamocha has 
ordered co- Home Affairs minister, Kembo Mohadi’s wife Tambudzani Mohadi and 
son Campbell to vacate a Beitbridge farm owned by four villagers they 
occupied illegally.

Four villagers Given Mbedzi, Alfheli Nare, Kumbirai Ncube and Sorofia Ndou, 
who are the applicants, had approached High Court in January seeking an 
order barring the Mohadis from evicting them from their Plot Number 1 of Lot 
9 of Jopembe Block in Beitbridge, Matabeleland South province.

“Remove all your property and locks installed on plot, Number 1 of Lot 9 
Jopembe, Beitbridge and refrain from interfering with the gates, doors and 
fence on the plot, “ruled Judge Justice Kamocha on Friday.

The High Court Judge also ordered the Mohadis “to refrain from either 
themselves or through persons under their control, placing any cattle or 
other livestock on applicants’ plots or from in any way interfering with the 
farming operations carried out by the applicants or their employees on the 

In their urgent chamber application filed in January on the villagers’ 
behalf lf by lawyer Zibusiso Ncube, Mbedzi also alleges that the Mohadis 
wanted to shoot him and his colleagues with an AK 47 at his farm but the 
firearm jammed twice.
He said they ran for their lives  but his 67-year-old mother Philani Ndou 
and Soforia were shoved into the Mohadis’ vehicle and taken back to his plot 
where his property was strewn all over the yard.

He said the Mohadis and their agents forced the pair to remove the property 
at gunpoint. Mbedzi said he feared for his life as the threats by the 
Mohadis’ were real.


Killer poacher jailed 18 years

Killer poacher jailed 18 years   3/7/2019 The Chronicle Mashudu Netsianda, Senior Court Reporter A POACHER who ganged up with a colleague and fatally attacked a

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