Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Elephants wreck havoc to police crops

Elephants Wreck Havoc To Police Crops

18/05/2011 13:27:00

Bulawayo, May 18, 2011 – Elephants have invaded and destroyed about five 
hectares of planted maize crop that was awaiting harvest at a police owned 
farm in Inyathi, Matabeleland North province of Zimbabwe.

The stray elephants, according to police officials, invaded the police owned 
Eland Farm in Matabeleland North on Sunday evening, and destroyed all 
planted crops.

Acting Matabeleland North police spokesperson, Sergeant Eglon Nkala said 
seven stray elephants destroyed the boundary fence to gain entrance into the 
farm and ruined planted crops.

“The crops were under irrigation and were all ruined by the stray elephants. 
The elephants destroyed an extensive hectarage of crops, most of which was 
maize,” Sergeant Nkala said.

Sergeant Nkala – who appealed to the Wildlife Parks and Management Authority 
to drive off the elephants – said stray elephants were a ‘nuisance’ in 
Inyathi as they continue to destroy villagers planted crops.

Parks and Wildlife management Authority spokesperson, Caroline Washaya-Moyo 
could not be reached for comment on the statistics of stray elephants and 
the current elephant population inn the country.

Zimbabwe’s elephant population continues to balloon but independent 
conservationist groups accuse government officials of inflating the figures 
so as to benefit from ivory trade.

Johnny Rodrigues of the Zimbabwean Conservation Taskforce has said the 
elephant population had fallen to 60,000 at the most, yet the government 
puts the figure at more than 100,000.

Rodrigues has said corrupt officials wanted to dupe the Convention on 
International Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) into allowing Zimbabwe to 
continue trading in ivory, alleging that corrupt government officials are 
believed to have stockpiled ivory from animals shot in national parks and 
private game parks seized from their white owners.


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