Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Farm Workers Celebrate Christmas Without Salaries

Farm Workers Celebrate Christmas Without Salaries

Temgwe, December 26, 2011- Christmas celebrations were dampened by lack of 
money for most farm workers who went for several months without salaries.

Although Tengwe business centre situated about 50 kilometers east of Karoi 
used to be abuzz with farm
labourers from surrounding farms before the land reform in 2000, it looked 
deserted during this year Christmas  celebrations.

Few farm workers came were ferried by tractors while other came by foot to 
spend the day at the popular business centre.

Rodgers Phiri aged 38 years who works at Madzimoyo farm 10 kilometers away 
says they have been battling to get salaries for the past six months.

“Our boss is no longer coming here from Harare saying he is waiting for bank 
loans for our salaries. We are going through Xmas without any money at all” 
says Phiri.

He adds that he came at Tengwe business centre to kill time with those that 
are being paid their salaries.

A frail looking 65 year old Tom Banda complains that most farm workers did 
not get bonuses let alone salaries.

”Christmas for us is meaningless as our employer can not afford to pay 
required salaries. Some claim the dry spell has affected their plans 
financially but it is now normal to go for months without salaries here”.

Farm workers’ required minimum wage is $44 per month.

The surrounding farms here have been hit hard by the current dry spell 
affecting mostly tobacco with some being forced to replant.

Former Zanu-PF MP for Kariba Isaac Mackenzi resettled at Mpofu river farm, 
40 kilometers north of Karoi town, admits that most farmers are failing to 
pay salaries as they did not get loans from banks.

”It is becoming tough for us to get salaries for workers as we are going 
through hard times financially. I failed to raise salaries for 50 of my 
workers and they have to understand that there is cash crisis”.

Although some people afforded new furniture, clothes and other goodies 
during this festive season, it has remained a pipeline dream for farm 
workers here to get their wages and spoil their families at least once a 
year during this year’s Christmas.

Tough times lay ahead of the New Year celebrations for Phiri, Banda among 
others around Tengwe farms and those throughout Zimbabwe whose economic 
pillar is agro based.


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