Oliver Kazunga, Senior Business Reporter
FARMERS have so far delivered $13,2 billion worth of grain to the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) with $8,3 billion having already been paid to the farmers.
In a post-Cabinet briefing yesterday, Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said a total of 354 677 tonnes of maize, 616 tonnes of wheat, 10 528 tonnes of soya bean and 34 820 tonnes of traditional grains have been delivered to GMB.
The 2021 harvesting season began on April 1 and Government has set aside $60 billion to pay the farmers.
“It is highlighted that 354 677 tonnes of maize, 616 tonnes of wheat, 10 528 tonnes of soya bean and 34 820 tonnes of traditional grains had been delivered to the GMB as at 4 July 2021.
“Grain delivered to date is valued at $13,2 billion and $8,3 billion had been paid to farmers, giving an outstanding balance of $4,9 billion,” she said.
The GMB has said it will be paying farmers within 72 hours of delivering to the marketing depot and within five days of delivering at the buying points.
Last year, GMB received 259 345 tonnes of maize after the season was hampered by drought.
In addition to the poor harvest GMB also faced competition from private buyers as the parastatal delayed payments.
Zimbabwe this year expects to produce 2,5 million to 2,8 million tonnes of maize and 360 000 tonnes of traditional grains, the largest yield achieved by the country since the fast-track land reform commenced in 2000.
About two million tonnes of cereals consisting of 1,8 million tonnes of maize and 200 000 tonnes of traditional grains are expected to be delivered to the GMB.
Minister Mutsvangwa said Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement Minister Dr Anxious Masuka has advised that of the 85 000 hectares planned for wheat this winter season, 63 897 hectares have been planted for the Presidential, National Enhanced Agricultural Productivity Scheme (NEAPS)/ Command/ CBZ Agro-Yield and Private Sector Schemes.
“Wheat stocks were 92 100 tonnes for week ending 4 July 2021,” she said.
“On tobacco marketing, Cabinet reports that cumulative sales were 179 million kilogrammes, which is 17 percent above last year, with prices being 12,34 percent firmer than the previous year due to improved quality offerings by farmers.”
On outstanding payments for the 2020 cotton marketing season, Minister Mutsvangwa said payments were now being made and a total of $220 million and US$659 000 has already been paid out with all cotton farmers encouraged to provide their banking details.
“With regard to the importation of 32 combine harvesters, Cabinet advises that 14 combine harvesters were delivered and they are currently undergoing inspection,” she said.
On livestock production, Minister Mutsvangwa said 120 staff members were trained as trainers on-farm feed formulations. Furthermore, 1 637 farmers were trained on on-farm feed formulations.
“Three hay balers were procured and distributed. Five haler operators were trained,” she said.
— @okazunga