Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Farmers urged to take farming seriously

Farmers urged to take farming seriously

Farmers urged to take farming seriously
Vice-President Chiwenga talks to farm owner Mrs Tsitsi Mbudzi while Midlands Minister of State for Provincial Affairs Larry Mavima, Finance and Economic Development Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube listen. — Picture by Patrick Chitumba

Patrick Chitumba, Midlands Bureau Chief
VICE-President Constantino Chiwenga has said there is a commendable increase in hectares of land put under winter wheat in the country as Government seeks to move away from over-reliance on imports.

This year, Government set a target of putting 80 000 hectares of land under wheat.

So far, an assessment of the hectarage under wheat has not yet been concluded but as of Wednesday wheat on 32 000 hectares of land had germinated. Last year, only 24 000 hectares of land was under winter wheat.

Government introduced the winter wheat programme in order to boost local wheat production and reduce over-reliance on imports.

The programme is financed through CBZ Agro-Yield facility which has assisted farmers with lines of credit and inputs for the production of winter wheat.

Addressing farmers during the tour of sub division six of Loozani Farm outside Kwekwe along Mvuma road yesterday, Vice-President Chiwenga urged farmers to take on wheat farming and other forms of farming seriously for economic development.

The farm which VP Chiwenga toured is owned by A2 farmer Mrs Tsitsi Mbudzi who has 40 hectares under wheat has been growing maize, wheat and soya beans since 2006.

Mrs Mbudzi also has 60 hectares under maize which is waiting to be harvested.

Vice-President Chiwenga said Government has provided guarantees for 65 000 hectares and the private sector 15 000 hectares.

This, he said, is testimony that when people pull together the country can achieve great milestones and reduce risks of running out of wheat.

“The agriculture sector is a key economic enabler which propels the generation growth in all sectors of our economy. The sector provides the much-needed household nutrition and the much-needed food security. The production of winter wheat is therefore essentially for the country as it provides raw materials for the bread and confectioneries industry,” he said.

“In this regard, there is a need for increased investment for the private sector and individual farmers to augment efforts in revamping the sector in this current winter wheat season.”

VP Chiwenga said the Government introduced the winter wheat programme in order to boost local production of wheat and reduce over-reliance on imports.

Vice-President Chiwenga applauded the Ministry of Energy and Power Development for putting in place measures to guarantee the availability of uninterrupted supply of power to wheat growing clusters.

He said if communal farmers with access to water bodies put half a hectare of land under wheat while A2, A1 and large-scale commercial farmers put more land under wheat, the country will have more wheat to drive the bread and confectioneries industry.

“In Midlands province, only 1 500 hectares of land were being put under winter wheat in previous years. But in this current season total production area has increased. It is gratifying to note Midlands has put 3 000 hectares against the target of 4 500. Well-done Midlands. This is part of the province’s contribution to the country’s 80 000 hectares,” he said.

Wheat production, VP Chiwenga said, is not a business for A2 farmers and large-scale commercial farmers only.

“It can be done by smallholder irrigation schemes. It is my sincere hope that other farmers can emulate what we are seeing here. All farmers as long as you have a piece of land with water nearby, let’s grow wheat. It can be half an acre or one acre, if combined we will meet requirements of our country. Gone are the days when we were beggars. Let’s utilise the land we have,” he said.

“Government is committed to providing an enabling environment to give impetus to the recovery of the sector. This will be done through deliberate efforts to attract investors for joint ventures within the various value chains in agriculture.”

He said among other initiatives, the Government is seized with the need to improve productivity in the agricultural sector through improving extension services, agricultural sector through improving extension services, agricultural research and development mechanisation and irrigation infrastructure.

“I therefore encourage farmers to optimally utilise the services of Agricultural Extension Officers in order to maximise yields,” he added.

The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement Dr John Basera said winter wheat production is looking bright.

“As of yesterday (Thursday) wheat on 32 000 hectares of land had germinated. Last year the country had only 24 000 hectares of land under winter wheat meaning we have beat that record before we calculate all the wheat that has germinated. In 2016 the country had 33 000 and come the coming weeks and coupled by Zesa and raw materials availability — more wheat is expected to germinate putting the country at minus nine months wheat supply come summer cropping season,” he said.


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