Farming mainstay of rural economy: Nzenza
Source: Farming mainstay of rural economy: Nzenza | The Herald
Minister Sekai NzenzaRunesu Gwidi Masvingo Correspondent
Farming is the mainstay of Zimbabwe’s rural communities and prevents them from being heavily dependent on Government-sponsored food handouts, a Cabinet minister has said.Speaking during the recent tour of Chebvute conservation and irrigation projects here, Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister Sekai Nzenza implored villagers to take farming seriously.
She said no one would die of hunger should other rural communities take a leaf from what is happening at Chebvute.
“The entire country should emulate Chebvute villagers who have valued farming as the backbone of rural economy.“They are hard workers. Government and its funding partners can only chip in to support existing projects,” said Minister Nzenza.
She said it was important to remember that failure of the country’s agricultural sector had ripple effects on the entire economy.
“Take note that although Zimbabwe has other economic sectors, it largely depends on farming, hence poor performance by the agricultural sector will inevitably affect other sectors.”
Minister Nzenza said sustainable agro-based projects were key to ongoing efforts to unlock the country’s economic opportunities.“Government-sponsored food aid will only be done in very few drought-stricken rural communities if the nation seriously embraces farming projects in line with the ease of doing business mantra championed by President Emmerson Mnangagwa,” she said.