Foot-and-mouth vaccines worth US$445k procured
Source: Foot-and-mouth vaccines worth US$445k procured | The Herald
Cattle affected by the diseaseSifelani Tsiko Agric, Environment & Innovations Editor
Government has procured 178 000 doses of vaccines for foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) worth US445 000 to help curb the spread of the disease in the country, a senior state veterinary official said.
Dr Jairus Machakwa, director of Veterinary Field Services in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement, told the Herald recently that his department had adequate stocks and stood ready to respond to any FMD disease outbreaks.
He said there were no outbreaks so far in the country.
It was Namibia that had been hit by another outbreak of the highly contagious foot and mouth disease after the detection of infected cattle in the northern regions of Oshana and Ohangwena, according to media reports.