Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Fresh wave of farm invasions

Fresh wave of farm invasions

Written by Zwanai Sithole
Tuesday, 17 May 2011 15:54

BULAWAYO – The Zanu (PF) politburo’s recent decision to defy Sadc and push 
for an early poll has ignited a fresh wave of harassment of the few 
remaining white commercial farmers still on their land.

According to the Southern African Commercial Farmers Alliance (SACFA)  Zanu 
(PF) supporters and war veterans  have been moving from one farm to another 
in Mashonaland and the Midlands provinces intimidating and harassing farmers 
who are still in their homesteads operating on fractions of their 

“Two elderly farmers were forcibly driven from their homes in Somabhula 
recently by Zanu (PF) members of parliament. In both instances no use was 
made of the courts by government to evict the farmers. Instead police stood 
idly by and allowed the violent expulsions to be carried out by MPs 
themselves and their thugs,” said Christopher Jarrett, Zimbabwe SACFA 

Jarrett also cited the recent case of a High Court judge whom he said tried 
to extort a homestead, livestock and the remaining portion of a farm that 
was still held by its owner.

He said some owners, who have formally remained in place as A2 settlers 
having been allocated portions of their own properties, had not been spared 
the harassment and abuse.

“Some farmers made agreements with the government to stay on their 
properties. These arrangements were confirmed by orders of the 
Administrative Court to the effect that they could remain on a particular 
part of their farm on condition that they parted with the rest of their 
property. All of these undertakings by government are now not being honoured 
and farmers are charged under the Gazetted Lands (Consequential Provisions) 
Act for occupying state land without an offer letter, permit or lease,” said 


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