GMB identifies grain collection points
Source: GMB identifies grain collection points | The Herald
GMB SilosElita Chikwati Agriculture Reporter
The Grain Marketing Board (GMB) has identified 1 349 grain collection points, with traditional leaders now working with the board and Agritex to identify more.
GMB is the national granary with a mandate to receive, store and distribute grain to millers, the Department of Social Welfare or export on behalf of Government.
It operates 87 depots throughout the country and is represented in every district.
The GMB published the names of the collection points on Sunday for easy access by farmers.
GMB chief executive Mr Rockie Mutenha said they were targeting to establish 1 800 collection points across the country.
It had by April secured 665 buying points from Cottco. These are set to become a one-stop shop for both cotton and maize deliveries.
“We have also secured space to accommodate 65 000 tonnes of grain from private companies either in the form of sheds or silos,” said Mr Mutenha.
Farmers are encouraged to ensure that they bring grain with the correct moisture level, at 12,5 percent.
Maize is a controlled product that should only be sold the GMB or contractor.
Side-marketing has long been banned for maize, and this ban has now been extended to soya beans and cotton.
In terms of the SI 145 of 2019 for maize, SI 96 of 2021 for cotton and SI 97 of 2021 for soyabean, maize, cotton and soyabean are controlled products whose movement is restricted.
According to the law, any side marketing of contracted commodities shall attract penalties.