Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Goat meat prices hit new high as demand grows

Goat meat prices hit new high as demand grows

STAFF REPORTER  •  8 March 2018 10:38PM  •  0 comments

HARARE – Demand for goat meat has hit a new high, amid tight supply and strong local and overseas demand.

According to Econometer Global Capital, on average a Boer goat is fetching from around $250 to $350, with a buck going for as high as $600, proving a nice reward for producers.

“The three main supermarket chains — TM, OK and Spar — require at least 1 200 goats every week, not to mention all the other abattoirs and private butcheries in the country,” said Crispen Kadiramwando, the owner of a farming concern, Kadram Boer Goats, adding that the bulk of the three million goats in Zimbabwe were owned by communal farmers, who did not keep them for commercial purposes.

The country also needs to export meat from at least 1 500 goats per week to meet the demand in United Arab Emirates, Uganda and Angola with Angola alone requiring 25 tonnes per week.

The export price of goat meat ranges from $9 to $10 per kilogramme. Cold Storage Company (CSC) and ZimTrade have launched a training programme to educate farmers to boost goat production for exports to meet rising demand.


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