Govt launches Command Fisheries at Tokwe Mukosi Dam

Senator Mahofa
George Maponga Masvingo Bureau
Government has launched the National Command Fisheries Programme at Tokwe Mukosi Dam in southern Masvingo, with a target to stock at least 1,5 million fingerlings (young fish) to boost fish production across the province.
Tokwe Mukosi Dam was stocked with an initial 200 000 fingerlings for breeding purposes, with harvested fish expected to be stocked in other smaller dams and water bodies across the province as part of efforts to meet surging demand for fish.
The National Command Fisheries programme is being spearheaded by the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority and is in line with Government’s policy blueprint, Zim-Asset’s food security and nutrition cluster.
Speaking at the launch of the provincial Command Fisheries Programme at Tokwe-Mukosi Dam over the weekend, Masvingo Provincial Affairs Minister Senator Shuvai Mahofa, said the dam had potential to make the province a major fish producer.
Sen Mahofa said besides nutritional value, a vibrant fisheries industry would have many positive economic spin-offs for Masvingo through employment creation.
“We must jealously guard this fisheries programme that is being spearheaded by the Parks and Wildlife Management Authority because the fish that will be bred here at Tokwe-Mukosi Dam will also be stocked in other dams across the province so that Masvingo becomes a major fish producer,’’ she said.
Sen Mahofa said there was need to curb rampant fish poaching to enable the fish breeding programme at Tokwe Mukosi Dam to quickly benefit the whole province.
She thanked President Mugabe and the Zanu-PF Government for completing Tokwe Mukosi Dam, saying Zimbabwe’s largest inland water body had the potential to economically transform Masvingo province through fisheries and irrigation.
Tokwe Mukosi Dam was completed on December 10 last year and was wholly financed by the Government of Zimbabwe to the tune of nearly $300 million.
The dam was commissioned by President Mugabe, who officially launched the fish breeding programme at the reserviour stressing that a vibrant fisheries industry at Tokwe-Mukosi Dam would create thousands of jobs.
Plans are afoot to expand the fisheries programme to other dams in Masvingo such as Lake Mutirikwi, Siya, Muzhwi, Bangala and Manyuchi dams.
Zimbabwe is producing about 18 400 tonnes of fish mainly from dams such as Kariba, Chivero, Darwendale and other private fish farmers.
If all the local dams could be fully utilised, the country has potential to increase fish production to almost 1,5 million tonnes per year.
Information made available by Zimparks indicates that if all local dams were fully utilised to produce fish, the fisheries industry could support more than 1,2 million people throughout the country at the primary production level.
The newly introduced national Command Fisheries Programme seeks to contribute towards the provision of food, thereby alleviating poverty and promoting good human health through improving dietary habits.