Housing stands for cane farmers

Masvingo Bureau
Government has pledged to identify suitable land for housing in Chiredzi where more than 1 000 resettled sugarcane farmers have been battling to secure land for housing development.
Most cane farmers who own plots in the Lowveld do not own houses in Chiredzi and have been appealing to Government and the town council to avail land for housing as most of them were resident outside the Lowveld.
The farmers, through the Commercial Sugar Cane Farmers’ Association of Zimbabwe, recently made an official request to Government for land to build decent accommodation in Chiredzi town.
Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement Davis Marapira yesterday said they had received a request for land from cane farmers through CSFAZ.
“I will soon be visiting the Lowveld to try and establish whether the land that CSFAZ has applied for is not arable and can, therefore, only be suitable for housing development.
“We will make an informed decision as a ministry of the next course of action to take once we have gone on the ground to assess the situation,” he said.
He said if suitable land is identified to house cane farmers paperwork will be forwarded to the relevant ministry to make sure the said land is incorporated under Chiredzi Town Council paving the way for housing development.
CSFAZ chair Captain Admore Hwarare (Rtd) expressed optimism that Government was going to positively respond to farmers’ request for housing land.