Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Initiative to support agric

Initiative to support agric

Initiative to support agric
Deputy Minister Haritatos

Government in partnership with Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), has launched Agrinvest, an initiative meant to mobilise more support for the agriculture sector.

The initiative will see the agricultural sector becoming the bedrock of the economy that creates jobs, reduces imports, increases exports and improves trade balance as well as food and nutrition security.

The initiative is a social enterprise inspired by the mission to improve the living standards of men and women depending on agriculture.

Speaking at the launch of the initiative, Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement Vangelis Haritatos, said the initiative will go a long way in reducing hunger and malnutrition in Zimbabwe.
“The initiative will ease the access to finance for agro-foods systems actors through solution oriented programmes lending technical assistance for critical backstopping,” he said. — Business Reporter.


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