Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Insure crops and livestock, farmers urged

Insure crops and livestock, farmers urged


Elita Chikwati Agriculture Reporter
Farmers have been urged to insure their crops and livestock against natural disasters that may affect the country during the rain season. This follows a forecast of normal to above normal rainfall, which may be characterised by thunderstorms, hail and lightning. As the atmosphere transits from dry to wet conditions, the thunderstorms that occur may be violent with lots of lightning, strong winds and hailstorms.

These cause a lot of damage. Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union president Mr Wonder Chabikwa said it has always been traditional for tobacco growers to insure their crop against hail. “Farmers should always insure their crops even during a good season.

“This year we are likely to experience hailstorms and strong winds, which may affect crops. The crop can be destroyed totally and a farmer will make huge losses. Tobacco is very expensive and a farmer cannot afford to lose it. Most farmers do not insure livestock as they feel it is expensive. We urge insurance companies to accept livestock as a form of payment of insurance so that farmers can afford the facility,” he said.

Zimbabwe Farmers Union director Mr Paul Zakariya said crops and livestock insurance is the best way to protect value against eventualities like hail and lightning. “Farmers, however, should work with reputable insurance companies in this respect. Tobacco farmers over the years have suffered at the hands of some companies that have failed to honour their obligations,” he said.

Tobacco Industry and Development Support Institute executive director Mr Jeffrey Takawira said farmers’ organisations should teach farmers on the importance of insurance and how the system works.


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Agric tops micro-finance loan book

Agric tops micro-finance loan book  Herald 12/9/2019   Mr Chitambo Fradreck Gorwe Business Reporter Good rains anticipated countrywide during the 2019/20 farming season, have seen agriculture

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