Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

Act No. 10 of 2006.

Published in the Government Gazette: 19th January 2007.

Commencement: 18th June 2010 [fixed terms of section 1(2) by Statutory Instrument 114/2010.


[Chapter 7:18]




1. Short title and date of commencement.

2. Interpretation.



3. Constitution of Judicial Service.

4. Establishment of cmmittees.

5. Functions of Judicial Service Commission.

6. Delegation of functions.



7. Departments and classification of members of Judicial Service.

8. Persons under contract.

9. Probationary period.

10. Appointment and functions of Secretary of Commission.

11. Consultations re conditions of service of members of Judicial Service.

12. Secondment and deployment of members of Judicial Service.

13. Recognised associations and organisations.

14. Prohibition from engaging in any work outside Judicial Service.



15. Investigation and adjudication of misconduct cases.

16. Freedom of persons presiding over courts from arrest or search in court premises.

17. Codes of conduct.

1 The Arrangement of Sections has been omitted from the printed Act, but we have included it for the assistance

of readers. Veritas.

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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18. Code of ethics.

19. Appeals to Labour Court.



20. Funds of Judicial Service.

21. Investment of moneys not immediately required by Judicial Service.

22. Accounts of Judicial Service.

23. Audit of accounts.



24. Pension rights of members of Judicial Service.

25. Service regulations.

26. Act not to affect application of certain other laws.

27. Amendment of Acts.

28. Transitional provisions.

SCHEDULE: Amendment of Acts.

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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To make further provisions for the Judicial Service Commission; to constitute

the Judicial Service; to establish the Judicial Service Committees and to

provide for their functions; to provide for the administration and the

conditions of service of members of the Judicial Service employed in the

Supreme Court and the High Court and other courts subordinate to the

Supreme Court and the High Court, and the Office of the Ombudsman; to

provide for the transfer of persons from the Public Service to the Judicial

Service; to make consequential amendments to various Acts; and to provide

for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing.

WHEREAS section 91(1) and (2) of the Constitution provide as follows-

91.(1) The functions of the Judicial Service Commission shall be to tender such advice and

do such things in relation to the judiciary as are provided for by this Constitution or by or

under an Act of Parliament.

(2) An Act of Parliament referred to in subsection (1) may confer on the Judicial Service

Commission functions in connection with the employment, discipline and conditions of service

of such officers and persons employed in¾

(a) the Supreme Court, the High Court and other courts subordinate to the Supreme Court

and the High Court; and

(b) the office of the Ombudsman;

as are specified in such Act.

AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make further provisions for the Judicial Service

Commission and for persons employed in connection with the administration of justice in


NOW, THEREFORE, be it enacted by the President and the Parliament of Zimbabwe as




1 Short title and date of commencement

(1) This Act may be cited as the Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18].

(2) This Act shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by the President by statutory


2 Interpretation

In this Act-

“approved service” means-

(a) the Public Service; or

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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(b) a disciplined force; or

(c) the service of Parliament; or

(d) the service of a government, statutory body, local authority or institution

approved by the Minister, after consultation with the Commission, for the

purposes of this Act;

“Commission” means the Judicial Service Commission established in terms of section 90

of the Constitution;

“committee” means a committee established by the Commission in terms of section 4;

“fixed date” means the date fixed in terms of section 1(2) as the date of commencement of

this Act;

“court” means any court established by law in Zimbabwe other than a customary court;

“customary court” means a court established in terms of the Customary Law and Local

Courts Act [Chapter 7:05];

“disciplined force” has the meaning given to that term in section 113(1) of the Constitution;

“Judges Pension Scheme” means the scheme set out in the Judges Pension Scheme Notice,

2006 (published in Statutory Instrument 71 of 12006) or any other scheme that may be

substituted for it;

“Judicial Service” means the service constituted by persons referred to in section 3;

“member”, in relation to Judicial Service means a person employed in the Judicial Service,

including a person employed under contract in terms of section 8;

“Minister” means the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs or any other

Minister to whom the President may, from time to time, assign the administration of

this Act;

“pension benefit” means any pension, commutation of a pension, gratuity or other similar

allowance or benefit or any refund of pension contributions, including any interest

payable thereon, for a person in respect of his or her service as a member of the

Judicial Service or in respect of any ill-health or injury arising out of and in the course

of his or her official duties as such a member or for a dependant or personal

representative of such person in respect of such service, ill-health or injury or on the

death of such person;

“Public Service Pension Scheme” means the scheme set out in the Public Service

(Pensions) Regulations, 1992 (published in Statutory Instrument 124 of 1992) or any

other scheme that may be substituted for it;

“recognised association or organisation” means an association or organisation declared to

be a recognised association or organisation, as the case may be, in terms of section 13;

“Secretary” means the Secretary of the Commission referred to in section 10;

“service regulations” means regulations made in terms of section 25 regulating conditions

of service of members of the Judicial Service.

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3 Constitution of Judicial Service

The Judicial Service shall consist of the following members—

(a) the Chief Justice appointed in terms of section 84 of the Constitution; and

(b) the judges of the Supreme Court; and

(c) the Judge President and the other judges of the High Court; and

(d) persons presiding over other courts subordinate to the Supreme Court and the High

Court other than persons presiding over customary courts; and

(e) the Office of the Ombudsman; and

(f) the Secretary to the Commission and all other support staff of the Judicial Service; and

(g) assessors; and

(h) such persons under contract as may be prescribed; and

(i) such other persons in the employment of the State as may be prescribed.

4 Establishment of committees

(1) The Commission may constitute, on a permanent or temporary basis, one or more

advisory committees to advise the Commission on such matters relating to the Judicial Service

as the Commission may from time to time consider necessary.

(2) A committee formed in terms of subsection (1) may, subject to the direction of the

Commission, regulate its own procedure, and its members shall hold office on such terms and

conditions as the Commission may determine.

5 Functions of Judicial Service Commission

(1) Subject to the Constitution, this Act or any other enactment, the Commission shall have

the following functions-

(a) fix by means of service regulations conditions of service for its members; and

(b) administering and supervising the Judicial Service; and

(c) appointing persons to the Judicial Service, whether as permanent members on

pensionable conditions of service or on contract or otherwise, assigning and promoting

them to offices, posts and grades in the Judicial Service, and fixing their conditions of

service; and

(d) inquiring into and dealing with complaints or grievances made by or against members

of the Judicial Service; and

(e) exercising disciplinary powers in relation to members of the Judicial Service; and

(f) exercising any other functions that may be imposed or conferred upon it in terms of

this Act or any other enactment;

(2) The Commission shall exercise its functions under this Act so as to ensure the wellbeing

and good administration of the Judicial Service and its maintenance in a high state of


Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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6 Delegation of functions

(1) Subject to the Constitution and any other enactment, for the better exercise of its

functions and in the interest of ensuring the greatest possible degree of devolution of decisionmaking

consistent with good administration, the Commission may delegate decision-making

functions to the appropriate departments and sub-departments of the Judicial Service.

(2) The delegation of a function by the Commission in terms of subsection (1)-

(a) may be made subject to conditions; and

(b) may be amended or revoked at any time; and

(c) shall not preclude the Commission from exercising the function so delegated.

(3) Where the Commission has delegated a function in terms of subsection (1), any

conditions or limitations applicable to the exercise of that function by the Commission shall

apply to the exercise of the function by the person to whom it has been delegated.



7 Departments and classification of members of Judicial Service

(1) Subject to the Constitution or any other enactment, the Judicial Service shall have such

departments and sub-departments as the Commission may establish from time to time, each

headed by an officer of such grade and designation as the Commission shall determine.

(2) For each department the Commission shall assign such members of the Judicial Service

as may be necessary to carryout the Commission’s functions.

(3) Members of the Judicial Service shall be classified in such manner as may be


8 Persons under contract

(1) Subject to the Constitution and any other enactment, the Commission may engage as

members of the Judicial Service persons under contract, on such conditions as may be


(2) There may be incorporated in the conditions referred to in subsection (1) such

provisions of any service regulations applicable to members of the Judicial Service not engaged

under contract as may be considered necessary or desirable in the light of the nature of the


(3) Upon the termination of a contract entered into in terms of subsection (1), the person

under contract shall cease to be a member of the Judicial Service, unless the contract is renewed

or he or she is appointed to the Judicial Service in some other capacity.

9 Probationary period

(1) A member of the Judicial Service referred to in section 3(d), (f), (g) and (i) appointed

otherwise than under contract shall serve a probationary period of not less than six months and

not more than one year, as the Commission may prescribe or fix in relation to that member.

(2) The appointment of a member under subsection (1) shall be confirmed at the end of the

probationary period unless, at any time during the probationary period, the Commission

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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considers that the member does not meet the required standard of performance, in which case

the Commission may-

(a) discharge the member; or

(b) extend the probationary period by not more than six months, at the end of which

period the member shall be discharged if he or she fails to meet the required standard

of performance.

10 Appointment and functions of Secretary of Commission

(1) The Commission shall appoint, on such terms and conditions as the Commission shall

fix, a person to be the Secretary of the Commission.

(2) The Secretary of the Commission shall, subject to the Commission’s directions,

supervise and manage the Commission’s staff, activities, funds and property and perform such

other functions on behalf of the Commission as the Commission may assign to him or her.

(3) The Secretary of the Commission is prescribed for the purposes of section 49 of the

Audit and Exchequer Act [Chapter 22:03] to be the accounting officer of the Judicial Service.

11 Consultations re conditions of service of members of Judicial Service

(1) The Commission shall engage in regular negotiations with recognised associations and

organisations in regard to the conditions of service of members of the Judicial Service who are

represented by the recognised associations or organisations.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), conditions of service fixed or determined under this

Act shall not be invalid solely on the ground that they were not agreed to by all the parties to

any negotiations in terms of subsection (1).

12 Secondment and deployment of members of Judicial Service

(1) A member referred to in section 3(d), (f) (other than the Secretary), (g) and (i) or, with

his or her consent, any other member, may at any time be deployed or seconded by the Judicial

Service to a post in an approved service.

(2) The terms and conditions of service of a member while on secondment shall, subject to

any policy directive issued by the Commission, be governed by contract between the member

and the approved service concerned.

(3) A member who, having been seconded from the Judicial Service to an approved


(a) resigns or retires from the approved service; or

(b) is discharged from the approved service on account of misconduct or on the grounds

that he or she is unfit or incapable of performing efficiently the duties of his or her


shall be deemed to have resigned, retired or been discharged from the Judicial Service in similar

circumstances with effect from the date that he or she resigned or was discharged from the

approved service unless the Commission reinstates that person as a member of the Judicial

Service with effect from the day following the said date.

13 Recognised associations and organisations

(1) The Minister responsible for labour may, after consultation with the Commission, by

written notice to the association or organisation concerned, declare any association or

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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organisation representing all or any members of the Judicial Service to be a recognised

association or a recognised organisation, as the case may be, for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The Minister responsible for labour may, after consultation with the Commission, at

any time by written notice to the recognised association or organisation concerned, revoke any

declaration made in terms of subsection (1).

(3) Any member of the Judicial Service who is eligible to do so may join a recognised

association or organisation and, subject to this Act, participate in its lawful activities.

(4) A member of the Judicial Service who fails or refuses to join a recognised association

or organisation shall not, on account of such failure, be debarred from or prejudiced in respect

of any appointment, promotion or advancement within the Judicial Service.

14 Prohibition from engaging in any work outside Judicial Service

(1) A member of the Judicial Service shall not engage in any activities outside the Judicial

Service that-

(a) conflict with the member’s functions within the Judicial Service; or

(b) bring into question the member’s ability to act impartially as a member.

(2) A member shall not engage in any financial and business dealings that may reasonably

be perceived to exploit a member’s position within the Judicial Service.

(3) Subject to subsections (1) and (2), a member may manage and participate in-

(a) a business conducted by the member or members of his or her family; or

(b) a business entity primarily engaged in investment of the financial resources of the

member or members of his or her family.



15 Investigation and adjudication of misconduct cases

Subject to the Constitution, this Act or any other enactment, any case involving misconduct

or suspected misconduct on the part of a member of the Judicial Service shall be investigated,

adjudicated upon and, where appropriate, punished by the Commission.

16 Freedom of persons presiding over courts from arrest or search in court


No arrest or search of the person presiding over a court, in pursuance of any proceedings,


(a) in the case of an arrest, be made within his or her chambers or within the precincts of a

court over which he or she is presiding; or

(b) in the case of a search, be executed within his or her chambers or within the precincts

of a court over which he or she is presiding, except with his or her consent;

whether or not the person presiding over the court is conducting any proceedings therein.

17 Codes of conduct

Service regulations may prescribe one or more Judicial Service employment codes of

conduct providing forJudicial

Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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(a) the disciplinary rules to be observed in the Judicial Service including the precise

definition of those acts or omissions that constitute misconduct;

(b) the procedures to be followed in the case of any breach of the code;

(c) the penalties for any breach of the code, which may include oral or written warnings,

fines, reductions in pay for a specified period, suspension with or without pay or on

reduced pay, demotion and dismissal from employment;

(d) the person, committee or authority that shall be responsible for implementing and

enforcing the rules, procedures and penalties of the code;

(e) the notification to any person who is alleged to have breached the code that

proceedings are to be commenced against him or her in respect of the alleged breach;

(f) the right of a person referred to in paragraph (e) to be heard by the appropriate person,

committee or authority referred to in paragraph (d) before any decision in his or her

case is made;

(g) a written record or summary to be made of any proceedings or decisions taken in terms

of the code, which record or summary shall be made at the time such proceedings and

decisions are made.

18 Code of ethics

Service regulations may prescribe one or more Judicial Service codes of ethics providing


(a) the requirement of strict impartiality of judicial officers when performing their duties;

(b) the requirement of judicial officers to discharge duties with propriety without being

influenced by-

(i) any partisan interest, or public clamour or fear;

(ii) family, personal, social, political or other interests;

(c) the requirement of judicial officers not to make any public comment that may affect or

may reasonably be construed to affect the outcome of any proceedings or impair their

fairness, or make any comment that might compromise a fair trial or hearing;

(d) the prohibition or limitation of gifts to judicial officers or to members of their families

residing with them that may influence or reasonably be construed to influence the

execution of the duties of judicial officers;

(e) the definition of any other corrupt practices or acts of improper behaviour on the part

of judicial officers.

19 Appeals to Labour Court

(1) Subject to the Constitution and any other enactment, any member or former member of

the Judicial Service who is aggrieved by-

(a) any decision reached; or

(b) any penalty imposed upon him or her; or

(c) both the decision reached and the penalty imposed upon him or her;

in respect of misconduct committed or alleged to have been committed by him or her may,

subject to this section, appeal against the decision or penalty to the Labour Court within thirty

days from the date of the decision or imposition of the penalty.

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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(2) Sections 90, 91(1), 92 and 92E of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] shall apply, with

such changes as may be necessary, in relation to any appeal in terms of subsection (1) as if the

decision appealed against were a determination in terms of that Act.



20 Funds of Judicial Service

(1) The funds of the Judicial Service shall consist of-

(a) moneys appropriated by Act of Parliament for salaries and allowances payable to and

in respect of members of the Judicial Service and the recurrent administrative expenses

of the Judicial Service; and

(b) any other moneys that may be payable to the Judicial Service from moneys

appropriated for the purpose by Act of Parliament; and

(c) any donations, grants, bequests made to the Judicial Service and accepted by the

Commission with the approval of the Minister; and

(d) any other moneys that may vest in or accrue to the Judicial Service, whether in terms

of this Act or otherwise.

(2) The Commission shall apply the funds referred to in subsection (1) to the fulfilment of

its functions.

21 Investment of moneys not immediately required by Judicial Service

Moneys not immediately required by the Judicial Service may be invested in such manner

as the Commission considers appropriate.

22 Accounts of Judicial Service

(1) The Judicial Service shall ensure that proper accounts and other records relating to such

accounts are kept in respect of all the Judicial Service’s activities, funds and property, including

such particular accounts and records as the Commission may direct.

(2) As soon as possible after the end of each financial year, the Secretary shall prepare and

submit to the Commission a statement of accounts in respect of that financial year or in respect

of such other period as the Commission may direct.

(3) Section 19 of the Audit and Exchequer Act [Chapter 22:03] shall apply, with such

changes as may be necessary, to the appointment of an internal auditor to the Judicial Service in

all respects as if the Judicial Service were a Ministry or a department of a Ministry.

23 Audit of accounts

(1) The accounts of the Judicial Service shall be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor-

General, who for that purpose shall have the functions conferred on him or her by sections 8 and

9 of the Audit and Exchequer Act [Chapter 22:03].

(2) Any person under the authority or supervision of the Commission who refuses to

provide the Comptroller and Auditor-General with an explanation or information required by

him or her for the purposes of an audit in terms of subsection (1), or knowingly provides to the

Comptroller and Auditor-General any false explanation or information, or any explanation or

information that the person has no grounds for believing to be true, shall be guilty of an offence

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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and liable to a fine not exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one

year or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (1), the Comptroller and Auditor-

General may appoint a suitably qualified person to audit the accounts of the Judicial Service and

if he or she does so-

(a) subsections (1) and (2) shall apply in respect of the person so appointed as if he or she

were the Comptroller and Auditor-General; and

(b) any expenses incurred by the person so appointed in carrying out his or her audit shall

be met from the funds of the Commission.



24 Pension rights of members of Judicial Service

(1) Subject to the Constitution and any other enactment, every member of the Judicial

Service who, immediately before the fixed date, is a person referred to in section 3(a), (b) or (c)

or is employed in the Public Service on pensionable conditions of service and who on that date

is engaged as member of the Judicial Service, shall continue to contribute towards the Judges

Pension Scheme or the Public Service Pension Scheme as if his or her service with the Judicial

Service forms part of and is continuous with his or her service as a judge of the Supreme Court

or the High Court or with the Public Service prior to his or engagement.

(2) Any person, other than a person referred to in section 3(a), (b) or (c), who is engaged by

the Judicial Service after the fixed date shall, on the date of his or her engagement, have the

option to contribute-

(a) towards the Public Service Pension Scheme; or

(b) towards any pension scheme that the Commission may establish or permit members of

the Judicial Service to participate in; or

(c) any pension scheme of their choice.

25 Service regulations

(1) Subject to the Constitution and this Act, the Commission may, with the approval of the

Minister, make regulations providing for the conditions of service of members of the Judicial


(2) Regulations made in terms of subsection (1) may provide for-

(a) the appointment, classification, qualifications, salaries, allowances and other

remuneration and benefits of members of the Judicial Service, and their promotion,

functions, hours of work and leave of absence;

(b) the pension benefits payable to members of the Judicial Service and to other persons in

respect of the members’ service with the Public Service or the Judicial Service, the

contributions payable in respect of such pension benefits and the circumstances in

which such pension benefits may be reduced, suspended or withdrawn;

(c) codes of conduct and codes of ethics for members of the Judicial Service;

(d) training and development courses for members of the Judicial Service and the

attendance of such members thereat;

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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(e) the use by members of the Judicial Service of vehicles, equipment and other property

of the State, their indemnification in respect of such use and additionally, or

alternatively, the recovery from them of compensation and penalties in respect of

damage or loss caused by such use;

(f) the manner in which members of the Judicial Service may make representations in

regard to matters affecting their conditions of service and general welfare;

(g) the manner in which grievances of members of the Judicial Service may be expressed,

investigated and redressed;

(h) the terms and conditions of contracts entered into in terms of section 8;

(i) the circumstances in which the Commission may assent to cessions of salary,

allowances or other remuneration;

(j) the discipline of members of the Judicial Service, and the penalties that may be

imposed upon them and other measures, including dismissal, that may be taken against

them for misconduct or if they are inefficient or unsuitable or incapable of performing

their duties or if they are convicted of criminal offences;

(k) the suspension, retirement, resignation, discharge, abandonment of employment and

other termination of service of members of the Judicial Service;

(l) the transfer, secondment and appointment of members of the Judicial Service to

offices, posts or grades in an approved service and vice versa and the terms and

conditions upon which such transfers, secondments and appointments may be made;

(m) the conduct of investigations, inspections and examinations for the purposes of this


(n) any other matter which, in the opinion of the Commission, is necessary or convenient

to prescribe in order to ensure the well-being and good administration of the Judicial

Service and its maintenance in a high state of efficiency.

(3) To the extent that regulations made in terms of subsection (1) may result in an increase

in expenditure chargeable on the Consolidated Revenue Fund, the Commission shall obtain the

concurrence of the Minister responsible for finance before they are enacted.

(4) Regulations made in terms of subsection (1) may provide that any enactment relating to

the conditions of service of members of the Public Service shall apply to or in respect of any

members of the Judicial Service, subject to such modifications, exceptions or conditions as may

be specified in the regulations, and thereupon the enactment concerned shall so apply to or in

respect of those members of the Judicial Service.

(5) If, after an enactment has been made applicable to any members of the Judicial Service

as provided in subsection (4), the enactment concerned is amended, the amendment shall also

apply to or in respect of the members concerned unless the Commission provides in regulations

that it shall not apply.

26 Act not to affect application of certain other laws

To the extent that the appointment, conditions of service, termination or service or pension

benefits of a member of the Judicial Service is or are provided for by or under the Constitution

or any other enactment, this Act shall not apply to or in respect of that member.

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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27 Amendment of Acts

The Act specified in each Part of the Schedule is amended to the extent set out in that Part.

28 Transitional provisions

(1) In this section-

“transferred member” means a person who is transferred from the Public Service to the

Judicial Service in terms of subsection (2).

(2) Every person specified in section 3 who, immediately before the fixed date, was

employed by the Public Service, shall be deemed to have been transferred to the Judicial

Service, unless he or she opts out of employment with the Judicial Service-

(a) in writing to the Commission and the Public Service Commission within thirty days

from the fixed date;

(b) where the fixed date is fixed in terms of section 1(2) to be a date not earlier than fifty

days after the date of promulgation of this Act, in writing to the Public Service no later

than the thirtieth day before the fixed date.

(3) Every transferred member shall, on the fixed date, be engaged for employment with the

Judicial Service on terms and conditions not less favourable than those that were applicable to

him or her immediately before his or her engagement.

(4) All offices in the Public Service held by transferred persons shall from the fixed date,

be transferred to the Judicial Service, and accordingly any person who refuses to be transferred

to the Judicial Service in terms of subsection (2) shall be entitled to the terminal benefits upon

resignation from, not abolition of, an office in the Public Service.

SCHEDULE (Section 27)




In section 3 (“Definitions”) (3) by the insertion in subsection (3) of the following definition-

“Judicial Service” means the Judicial Service referred to in the Judicial Service Act

[Chapter 7:18].



In section 7 (“Appointment of Registrar and other officers of Court”) (1) by the deletion of

“Public Service Commission” and the substitution of “Judicial Service Commission”.



In section 14 (“Appointment of clerks of local courts”) (2) by the insertion in subsection (2)

after “Public Service” of “, or the Judicial Service”.

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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In section 55 (“Officers of the High Court”) (1) by the deletion of “Public Service” and the

substitution of “Judicial Service”.



1. In section 4 (“Pensions”) by the repeal of subsection (1) and the substitution of—

“(1) The President shall fix the terms and conditions subject to which pension benefits shall

be paid to—

(a) the Chief Justice, the judges of the Supreme Court, the Judge President and the other

judges of the High Court, and to any person or judge acting in any of those capacities;


(b) Presidents of the Administrative Court appointed in terms of the Administrative Court

Act [Chapter 7:01] and Presidents of the Labour Court appointed in terms of LabourAct [Chapter 28:01].”.

2. In section 5 (“Review of benefits”) (1) by the insertion after “Public Service” of “or the

Judicial Service”.



1. In section 7(“Appointment of magistrates”)—

(a) in subsection (1) by the deletion of ” subsection (4) of section 75 of the Constitution,

the Public Service Commission” and the substitution of “the Judicial Service Act

[Chapter 7:18], the Judicial Service Commission”;

(b) in subsection (2)—

(i) by the deletion of “Public Service Commission may, subject to subsection (4)

of section 75 of the Constitution” and the substitution of “Judicial Service

Commission may, subject to the Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]”;

(ii) by the insertion of the following paragraph after subsection (2)(c)—


(d) has served as a public prosecutor for a period which in the aggregate is not

less than four years.”;

(c) in subsection (3) by the deletion of “Public Service Commission may, subject to

subsection (4) of section 75 of the Constitution”, and the substitution of “Judicial

Service Commission may, subject to the Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]”.



In section 8 by the deletion from subsection (1) of “Public Service” wherever it occurs

and the substitution of “Judicial Service”.

Judicial Service Act [Chapter 7:18]

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In section 33 (“Officers of Supreme Court”) (1) by the deletion of “Public Service” and the

substitution of “Judicial Service”.



1. In section 5 (“Conditions of service of Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsman) (3) by the

insertion after “Public Service” of “, or the Judicial Service”.

2. In section 6 (“Staff of Ombudsman”) (1) by the deletion of “Public Service

Commission” and the substitution of “Judicial Service Commission”.



In section 2 (“Interpretation”)-

(a) in subsection (2) by the insertion after “Public Service,” of “the Judicial Service,”;

(b) in subsection (3)-

(i) in paragraph (a) by the insertion after “Public Service,” of “the Judicial


(ii) in paragraph (d) by the deletion of “or Public Service Commission,” and the

substitution of “, Public Service Commission or the Judicial Service




1. In section 2 by the insertion in the definition of “approved service”, after paragraph (c),

of the following paragraph-


(d) the Judicial Service;”.

2. In section 14 by the insertion after paragraph (c) of the following paragraph-

“(c1) members of the Judicial Service;”.


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