During the last quarter of 2008 many challenges were experienced with regards to wages. There were many examples of the different ways employers were paying. Inconsistency and a lack of direction from Government also caused havoc within the sector. On the 20 February 2009 the NEC came up with an agreement in United States dollars for the sector. The agreement was set for a period of three (3) months initially. Once again employers found this agreement to be challenging. With the world recession and commodity prices hitting an all time low in Zimbabwe, some employers found it difficult to raise the money to numerate their labour. It is important therefore while this country is at an infancy stage in the new dollarized market that both employer and employee allow some flexibility at any negotiations in order for the sector to re-align itself and come up with proper policies. The Union continues to support EMCOZ. Government consults directly with them and it is important that the voice of agriculture is heard through this organization. In recognition of the severity and impact of HIV and AIDS on the labour market, there is need to promote and coordinate appropriate programmes in order to reduce the drastic impact. To this effect the Union together with the other Unions, ZFC and ZCFU, have appointed an HIV and AIDS co-coordinating committee through the Union Project Trust to spearhead training programmes for all farmers. Thank you. T Marodza(Labour Relations Advisor)24 July 2009