Lake Gwayi-Shangani project’s progress excites farmers
The Chronicle

Oliver Kazunga, Senior Business Reporter
THE Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union (ZCFU) has applauded progress in the construction of the Lake Gwayi-Shangani project, which it views as a significant milestone towards transforming the agricultural sector in Matabeleland region.
The multi-million-dollar project is being implemented in Hwange district, Matabeleland North province, and is expected to be completed in December this year.
A 245km pipeline that connects the massive water body to Bulawayo is set to be completed next year.
The project is one of the many infrastructural development projects being spearheaded by the Second Republic in the country.
In an interview yesterday ZCFU vice president, Mr Winston Babbage, said the project would impact positively on the agriculture sector in Matabeleland North and the country at large.
“The impact for agriculture for Matabeleland North and Zimbabwe through the construction of Lake Gwayi-Shangani is great in that the communities will have access to good drinking water for themselves and their livestock, which is currently nonexistence,” he said.
“Government has implemented an irrigation scheme policy that will work well with surrounding communities embarking in irrigation schemes for cropping and horticulture including fisheries and crocodile farming.
“The latter is very viable and untapped by our farmers as it also offers value for the skin besides the meat.”
Under the new political dispensation, the country has vowed to revolutionise the agricultural sector guided by the Agriculture and Food Systems Transformation Strategy that was launched by President Mnangagwa in August last year.
It is in this context that Lake Gwayi-Shangani would be key in fostering national food security in line with the aspirations of the Agriculture and Food Systems Transformation Strategy, which seeks to achieve a US$8,2 billion agriculture economy by 2025.
The strategy is a composite plan of action drawn from the Agriculture Recovery and Livestock Growth Plan.
“Through Lake Gwayi-Shangani, Mr Babbage said communities around the project can also benefit from the setting up of holiday resort lodges to include game viewing and bird watching because vertical integration is good as the farmers can tap into all the lucrative ventures in the value chain.
“As a farmers’ organisation ZCFU will assist with the setting up of outgrower schemes for pecan nuts, macadamia nuts and citrus fruit estates for our farmers along the catchment area,” said Mr Babbage.
“These programmes will work as a pension for our farmers for instance pecan trees take five years to start producing of which there are about 130 trees in hectare producing 50 kilogrammes per tree at a current price of US$7 per kg.
“This value can be realised by our farmers for the life span of each tree is approximately 50 years.”
It is hoped that through Lake Gwayi-Shangani, livestock production can be enhanced especially on account of the newly established abattoir in Jotsholo.
Mr Babbage said hotels and safaris based in Matabeleland North would not need to travel to Bulawayo to buy beef and associated products as these supplies would be sourced from the province. — @okazunga