Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Lantana Camara threatens Great Zim monuments

Lantana Camara threatens Great Zim monuments


The Herald 19/11/2018

Masvingo Correspondent

The Great Zimbabwe Monuments World Heritage Site is under threat from the Lantana Camara plant which is invading the tourist attraction site, threatening its firmness and splendour.

The National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe, with support from the US-funded Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP), has since embarked on a programme to contain the plant and restore the site’s status as an acclaimed World Heritage Site.

NMMZ regional director Mr Lovemore Mandima said Lantana canmara plant was posing a serious threat to the Great Zimbabwe Monuments.

He said the invasive plant species needed to be contained as it threatened the prestigious stone walls at the monuments.

“Lantana plant roots penetrating the dry stone walls have become a source of headache here,” said Mandima. “The trees are defacing the walls and threatening to cause the collapse of the pre-colonial structure.

“As the Department of National Museums and Monuments, we have so far lined up several projects aimed at preserving the monuments.”

Mr Mandima said collaboration between the Government and its cultural development partners was very crucial in tackling the challenges bedevilling the historic national heritage infrastructure.

The US Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation availed $475 000 to Great Zimbabwe Monuments for its rehabilitation and preservation to save the iconic structures from the threat posed by Lantana camara.

Besides the Lantana camara threat, there are also plans to restore the collapsed dry stone wall to its original form.

Plans are afoot to procure modern equipment to monitor wall movements and veld fires at Great Zimbabwe, which is arguably the most prestigious tourist attraction in southern Zimbabwe.


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