Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Mavuradonha Dam to spawn Muzarabani green belt

Mavuradonha Dam to spawn Muzarabani green belt

Fungai Lupande Mash Central Bureau
THE Government is prioritising the construction of Mavuradonha Dam in Muzarabani, which is expected to anchor irrigation projects and solve perennial flooding by retaining and capturing water, Finance and Economic Development Professor Mthuli Ncube has said.

Muzarabani dam, whose construction is set to start next year, has potential of turning the valley into a green belt.

Prof Ncube said the Government is carrying out feasibility studies to ensure the dam becomes a reality.

He told communities in Muchembere village over the weekend that the Government was also expediting the completion of the construction of Hoya Bridge before the rain season and upgrading infrastructure at Hoya school from pole and dagga to brick and mortar.

“Construction of Mavuradonha dam needs to be properly programmed and phased out on a year by year basis.

Muzarabani is prone to floods during heavy rains and people have raised the need for construction of bridges and roads. I will make sure that construction of Hoya Bridge is speed up,” he said.

“President Mnangagwa has a vision for 2030 and he encouraged me to travel around the country and listen to people’s concerns, ideas. This will help in understanding where the resources are being deployed and optimally to positively impact development towards Vision 2030.”

He said the President’s desire was for everyone to be able to put food on the table, send children to school, have access to health services and the Government is able to supply health facilities. Our children must have access to jobs and everyone must be able to travel around.

“As the Minister of Finance my job is not just to sit in the office and check if there is enough money in the Government’s bank account.

It is also important to go to the ground and see the development that is taking place.”

He said although the devolution agenda has transformed infrastructure more needs to be done.

“It is unacceptable for young children to learn under trees at primary School level,” he said.

“We are going to upgrade the quality of schools in this area.

At Muchembere Primary School where there is only one classroom block since 2005 we will make sure that we build more blocks to make it a standard school that caters for the needs of the community. The same will be done for Hoya Secondary School.”

“Investing in human capital starts with schools. We have expanded the BEAM programme and we continue to deploy more resources so that children whose parents need support have access to education.

A road is an economy and building roads and bridges to improve access uplifts the economy.

He said it was sad that during floods half of school children cannot cross bridges.

“This is one of our transportation and infrastructure objectives. Muzarabani is a dry place and there is a need to sink more boreholes to improve water supply to the community.

We will further capacitate DDF and ZIMWA to drill boreholes.”

Prof Ncube also handed over food hampers to people with disabilities and the vulnerable before touring Hoya Secondary School and Hoya bridge.


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