Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Met Office warns of flooding

Met Office warns of flooding

Pamela Shumba, Senior Reporter
The Meteorological Services Department (MSD) has warned of heavy rains and potential flooding in some parts of the country until December 22.

The department last week urged people to brace for heavy rains associated with violent winds up to December 10, with high chances of flash flooding in some areas.

It said the rains are expected to improve the availability of water in the dry and arid regions of southern Zimbabwe.

“Following the alert that the Meteorological Services Department issued on December 8, 2016 on potential flooding due to heavy rains, the prevailing and expected rainfall situation throughout the country deems it necessary to extend this warning until Thursday December 22,” said the department in a statement yesterday.

The MSD said the prevailing heavy rains have damaged property in some parts of the country including Hwange, Guruve and Chitungwiza.

“In terms of water availability, these rains are expected to usher in a big improvement especially in the dry and arid regions of southern Zimbabwe. Equally however, due to the severe weather, like violent thunderstorms and strong winds, there has been damage to property and infrastructure in Guruve, Hwange and Chitungwiza on Saturday December 10, where houses were flooded by heavy rains,” said the department.

Members of the public were advised to continue monitoring the weather conditions.

The MSD said it would continue to issue out alerts and advisories when the need arises.



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