Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Midlands embarks on crop, livestock assessment

Midlands embarks on crop, livestock assessment

Midlands embarks on crop, livestock assessment

Michael Magoronga, Midlands Correspondent

FARMERS in the Midlands Province have embarked on crop and livestock assessment to ascertain productivity as well as the condition of livestock in the province.

The farmers have been asked to complete forms and submit them to authorities as the province seeks to identify challenges they face in both crops and Livestock production and map a way forward to tackle the problems.

Provincial Crop and Livestock officer, Mrs Medline Magwenzi said the department was carrying out the assessment from 3 February to the 26th.

“This is to ascertain the area planted, condition and stage of crops and expected yield among other information. As for livestock, it is to ascertain water and grazing availability, condition of livestock, prevalent diseases, herd sizes and composition among other information,” said Mrs Magwenzi.

She said the exercise will help farmers and technocrats to work together in tackling challenges that are being encountered in the province.

“The exercise is of paramount importance in that farmers get to assess themselves because collectively, we can improve production. The farmers and technocrats can identify strengths and improve for the best. This exercise should not be ignored as it is an important tool in achieving high productivity in a farming enterprise,” she said.

The ministry, Mrs Magwenzi said, is roping in farmers so that they monitor, measure and improve their performance knowing their capabilities and flows.

Mrs Magwenzi appealed to all A1 and A2 farmers to quickly complete and submit information as soon as possible.

“The farmers should complete their production forms and submit them to their ward Agritex extension officers for certification of the information. After that, the form is sent to the province by email according to the Covid-19 guidelines,” she said.

This comes as the province is expecting a bumper harvest after it surpassed its target hectarage under the Intwasa/Pfumvudza programme and is expecting a good yield this season.

The province had a target of 13 680ha on Intwasa/Pfumvudza but surpassed to 20 500ha translating to 150 percent achievement.

As for conventional farming, the province had a target of 295 680ha but has since done 256 500ha, which is 87 percent achievement of the target leaving the province on a good footing to attain a bumper harvest.

The province also surpassed its targeted households trained on the Intwasa/Pfumvudza scheme after 311 892 households received training against a targeted 275 000.

A total of 285 482 households received inputs while the province recorded 100 percent in training and adoption of the concept.

As at 2 February, the province had received an average of 1 120.38mm as compared to 374,25mm received by the same time during the 2019/20 summer farming season.

Mrs Magwenzi said farmers were eager to succeed following two consecutive years of drought.


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