Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Minister Mohadi in wrangle over Beitbridge farm

Minister Mohadi in wrangle over Beitbridge farm

By Tererai Karimakwenda
05 January, 2012

Despite being extremely wealthy and a Minister who is supposed to stand for 
law and order, co-Home Affairs Minister Kembo Mohadi is reportedly involved 
in a legal battle to take over another farm in Beitbridge, with allegations 
the row has turned into physical assaults and threats from Mohadi and his 

Reports said a war vet in the Beitbridge area, Given Mbedzi, alleges that 
Minister Mohadi and his family are trying to forcefully remove him from a 
farm that he legally owns in the Beitbridge area.

According to NewsDay newspaper, Mbedzi claims the property was allocated to 
him in 2003 and has produced an offer letter to prove it. But Mohadi has his 
own letter, signed six years later, naming his son Campbell as the rightful 

On Saturday Mohadi is alleged to have threatened Mbedzi and his mother with 
unspecified action if they did not leave. On the same day his son Campbell 
allegedly assaulted Mbedzi’s elderly mother and deflated the tyres on their 
rented vehicle.

Several members of Mbedzi’s family were later arrested for allegedly 
tampering with locks Mohadi had put on some structures at the farm. It is 
believed the arrest was facilitated by Mohadi and his wife Tambudzani, who 
is a Senator in Beitbridge. The case is currently in the courts.

This case highlights the additional problems created by Robert Mugabe’s land 
grab, which has not only destroyed the country’s food production but has 
created a problem for generations to come, as individuals fight over parcels 
of stolen land.

Most observers say there is a clear tendency among politicians in Zimbabwe 
to pursue personal wealth at the expense of any service to the people. 
Infighting is rife within political parties, including the MDC formations, 
over opportunities for financial gain.

Former journalist Thabo Kunene told SW Radio Africa that ZANU PF politicians 
have amassed great wealth in Zimbabwe. He named Vice President John Nkomo, 
Mines Minister Obert Mpofu and Local Government Minister Ignatius Chombo as 
just a few of the examples.

Speaking on the Crisis Analysis programme, Kunene said these men were all 
very poor before independence and have used their position in politics to 
pursue financial gain, forgetting those who struggled with them during the 
liberation war.

Kunene pointed to the fact that MDC politicians have also been chasing 
personal wealth since they joined the coalition government. “Some of the 
MDC-T legislators have tasted power, have become corrupt and amassed a lot 
of wealth within a very short period of time,” Kunene explained.

SW Radio Africa’s Bulawayo correspondent, Lionel Saungweme, agreed. He 
quoted businessman Phillip Chiyangwa, who once said: “If you want to become 
rich join ZANU PF” and said some MDC legislators are displaying the same 
greedy behavior.

“There used to be a tribal setup where one tribe was accused of dominating 
the other. But now politicians, even here in Matabeleland, have become very 
rich because they belong to ZANU PF,” Saungweme said. He added that Mohadi 
was also implicated in cattle rustling and the theft of copper cables from a 
phone company.

Mohadi, as a co-Minister for Home Affairs, is expected to set an example as 
a law abiding citizen. But over the years he has drawn attention to himself 
for nothing more than corruption and abuse of the rule of the law.


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