Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Mohadi Evicts War Veterans from Farm

Mohadi Evicts War Veterans from Farm

Gwanda, January 14, 2012 – ZANU PF co-Home Affairs Minister Kembo Mohadi has 
evicted two war veterans and six villagers from a farm at the centre of an 
ownership wrangle between the Mohadis and Given Mbedzi, a former freedom 

This came to light after their lawyer Sibusiso Ncube made an application for 
the alteration of bail conditions.

Ncube said the accused persons can no longer reside at Jopembe farm as the 
Mohadis had sealed off the farm.

The application came after the release of the eight on Wednesday after the 
state’s withdrawal of its appeal against Gwanda magistrate Sheila Nazombe 
who had last week granted free bail to the accused persons.

The state counsel Mazwi Goto on Wednesday made a u-turn and the accused were 
released before the lapse of seven days as stipulated in Section 121 of the 
Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act.

The magistrate had remanded Given Mbedzi, his mother Philani Ndou, Soforia 
Ndou, Jameson Mbedzi, Alifa Mbedzi, and Philemon Marubini Ndou, Ignatius 
Ncube and Knowledge Muleya out of custody on their own cognizance.

High Court Judge Nicholas Mathonsi lashed out at biased prosecutors who 
deliberately invoke Section 121 to punish suspects.

“Persons who have been properly granted bail should not be kept in custody 
merely as a way of punishment,” the judge said in a ruling where the 
Attorney General’s Office opposed bail to Media Monitoring Project of 
Zimbabwe (MMPZ) employees.

Philani is alleged to have cut a piece of fence from a farm belonging to 
Minister Mohadi, which resulted in several herd of cattle straying, and 
these are still unaccounted for.

Philani and her alleged accomplices also face malicious damage to property 
charges after they damaged a door belonging to Minister Mohadi’s son, 
Campbell Junior.

The suspects have a long standing dispute with Mohadi over some plots 
adjacent to his farm and were arrested at the farm on New Year’s Eve.

They deny the charges and say they (charges) are an attempt to force them 
out of their plots.

Two offer letters were issued to both parties for the same plot; Given 
Mbedzi has an offer letter issued in 2003 while Mohadi’s son Campbell Junior 
was issued with a similar letter in 2009 after Mbedzi reportedly abandoned 

The case was moved to 6 March to allow the state to put their house in order 
after it emerged it is yet to record statements from the accused persons.


Killer poacher jailed 18 years

Killer poacher jailed 18 years   3/7/2019 The Chronicle Mashudu Netsianda, Senior Court Reporter A POACHER who ganged up with a colleague and fatally attacked a

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