Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Mutare police top brass war spills into court

Mutare police top brass war spills into court

Friday, 05 August 2011 02:00

Court Reporter
INFIGHTING among the top brass in the police in Manicaland province has 
spilled to the High Court with the Officer Commanding Mutare Urban District 
Chief Superintendent Joseph Chani filing a US$250 000 defamation lawsuit 
against his boss.
Chief Supt Chani has issued summons against Senior Assistant Commissioner 
Munorweyi Shava Matutu, the Officer Commanding Manicaland Province.

He is demanding the money for defamation following an article that appeared 
in a local newspaper.
Chief Supt Chani argues that the article that was published in the Manica 
Post at the instigation of his boss and maliciously portrayed him as an 
overzealous officer who had tarnished the image of the force in Mutare.

The two work together in the province and chief Supt Chani reports to Snr 
Asst Comm Matutu.
Through his lawyers Thondhlanga and Associates, Chief Supt Chani stated in 
the court papers that the statements by his boss were highly defamatory and 
that it damaged his persona in the community he controls.

He said the statements were wrongful, malicious and defamatory.
“The defendant maliciously referred to the plaintiff as an officer who was 
not doing his duties properly and was against the whole community of Mutare.
“Defendant also referred to plaintiff as an overzealous officer and had 
caused acrimonious relationship between the police and the courts.

“The written statements caused by the defendant were understood to mean that 
the plaintiff does not have the community at heart, is not a proper 
candidate to be the officer commanding Mutare Urban District.
“He was portrayed as an overzealous person who had tarnished the name of the 
ZRP in Mutare as he acted in a manner, which had strained the relations 
between ZRP and the courts,” read part of the summons.

The said article according to the summons was published in the Manica Post 
of May 20 to 26 this year.
According to the newspaper article on the front page, Snr Asst Comm Matutu 
was expressing his concern over the bad relations between the police and the 
courts in Mutare in an interview with Manica Post.

According to the article, Snr Asst Comm Matutu did not mention the name of 
any officer, but said the acrimony between the force and the courts almost 
degenerated into a mini-war but said it was caused by an overzealous member 
of the police.
Senior Asst Comm Matutu is yet to respond to the application.


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