Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Number of rejected tobacco bales falls

Number of rejected tobacco bales falls


The Herald

Harare. – As the tobacco selling season progresses, the number of bales being rejected for different reasons continues to  decline compared to the same period last year, the industry regulator  has said.

Main reasons for tobacco being rejected at the point of sale include  bales being overweight, underweight, bad handling resulting in excessive  or inadequate moisture and moulds, or farmers rejecting the price  offered.

Recent statistics that the Tobacco Industry Marketing Board (TIMB)  released on day 51 of the selling season show that 110 992 bales were  rejected, translating to a 4,3 percent decrease compared to the 115 930 bales rejected last year during the same period.

Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union (ZFCU) director Jeremiah Tevera said  the decrease could be a result of experience in handling the crop which  farmers would have acquired the previous farming and selling seasons.

“Farmers would have learned something from previous seasons and  addressed the quality issues which ultimately leads to a lower rate of  rejection,” he said.

He said awareness of quality requirements was also rising, leading  farmers to increase the quality of their produce.

The TIMB report showed that the majority of rejected bales came from  Tobacco Sales Floor (TSF) with 24 013, followed by Boka Tobacco Floors

(PTF) with 7 261 and Premier Tobacco Sales Floors (BTF) with 7 261  respectively.

So far, at least 2 273 223 bales have been sold since the tobacco  marketing season opened on March 21 this year. – New Ziana.


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