Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Prosecutors go on strike

Prosecutors go on strike

03/10/2011 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

COURTS around the country are braced for strikes by prosecutors starting on 

A union for prosecutors said on Monday that its members would walk out to 
press for the same level of pay as magistrates who were awarded a pay rise 
after going on strike in April.

Dereck Charamba, the secretary general of the Zimbabwe Law Officers 
Association, said on Monday: “We are going on strike on Tuesday. We have 
notified everyone since August 25 this year of the strike.

“We sent a paper to the Attorney General, the Ministry, the President’s 
Office and all other relevant offices informing them of the intentions.”

If successful, the strike could paralyse the court system. Charamba said 
prosecutors were currently being paid between US$200 and US$300 monthly, 
compared to magistrates who earn between US$500 and US$730.

He added: “The magistrates and prosecutors are all employed by the Judicial 
Service Commission… but there is a serious salary and benefits discrepancy 
despite having similar qualifications, experience and the fact that we do 
the same work.”


Killer poacher jailed 18 years

Killer poacher jailed 18 years   3/7/2019 The Chronicle Mashudu Netsianda, Senior Court Reporter A POACHER who ganged up with a colleague and fatally attacked a

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