Rangers net 43 fish poachers in blitz at lake
Source: Rangers net 43 fish poachers in blitz at lake | The Herald
Mr Tinashe FarawoPrecious Manomano
Herald Reporter
The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority rangers caught 43 fish poachers at Lake Chivero last week.ZimParks spokesperson Mr Tinashe Farawo said they will continue carrying out patrols at lakes across the country to curb fish poaching. He said wildlife is under threat from poaching and ZimParks has intensified surveillance at the lake.
“We are carrying out operations against fish poaching at Lake Chivero and 43 people have been caught for fishing without permits or licenses or fishing in prohibited areas,” he said.
“We warn fish poachers that we are on high alert and poaching will not be tolerated. Most illegal fishing activities happen during night, but the authority’s rangers always patrol the length and breadth of the lake, hence the arrests. During the day, the teams also maintain their presence as part of law enforcement.”
Last year in February, a suspected fish poacher was shot and injured after he attempted to disarm a ZimParks ranger at Lake Chivero.
The fish poachers have contributed immensely to the decline of fish population. Poachers also do not adhere to laid fishing times which include not fishing on Sundays and the laying of nets and fishing only at prescribed times.
Fish stocks in Tugwi-Mukosi Dam, in Masvingo, were heavily depleted due to over-fishing last year.
This came after the number of commercial fishing cooperatives licensed was more than the dam’s carrying capacity.