Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Response Strategy for Food Insecurity in Zimbabwe 2012/2013

Response Strategy for Food Insecurity in Zimbabwe 2012/2013



Executive Summary

The food security situation is deteriorating in Zimbabwe. Late and erratic rains, poor agricultural practices, constrained access to inputs, and a reduction in planted area have all contributed to reducing the national cereal harvest by 33 percent this year. Economic challenges, including a lack of diversified livelihoods and the rising cost of living, have also contributed to the food-insecurity and incomeinsecurity situation, which is likely to worsen as the lean season progresses. Over the last several weeks,

WFP offices around the country have reported signs of distress, including high food prices and empty silos and granaries, pointing to an increasingly critical situation. During the peak hunger period of January to March 2013, over 1.6 million people will be in need of food assistance, according to the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment (ZimVAC) rural livelihoods assessment report.

WFP, in close collaboration with the government and other stakeholders, will scale up operations to meet the growing need. WFP’s responsive mix includes:

• In-kind food distributions with regionally procured cereals, combined with imported vegetable oil and pulses

• Cash transfers in targeted and appropriate areas using the Cash for Cereals modality

• Logistics support for a potential in-kind maize contribution from the Strategic Grain Reserve through a twinning arrangement

WFP aims for a harmonized approach between the Government, donors and the UN. In June 2012,
USAID confirmed a US$18 million contribution to the Seasonal Targeted Assistance programme to be used for in-kind distributions of oil and pulses, with the assumption that the cereal deficit would be met by other donors. Currently, the cereal pipeline break will begin in October 2012. The USAID donation for the oil and pulses component is sufficient until December 2012, however more resources are required for the January – March 2013 period.

A full cash transfer will not be used; previous experience highlights the lack of dietary diversity when beneficiaries are given cash only, as people prioritize cereals. WFP is mandated to not only provide adequate food, but also adequate nutrition to each beneficiary, and therefore the combination of inkind distributions and cash transfers has been chosen.

WFP’s total requirement until the end of March 2013 is approximately US$119 million, of which US$87 million1 has not yet been sourced. These figures are subject to change depending on the breakdown of the mix of interventions used.


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