Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Ruling in Chiredzi land seizure case delayed till March

Ruling in Chiredzi land seizure case delayed till March

By Tererai Karimakwenda
20 January, 2012

The group of Chiredzi farmers accused of “occupying state land illegally” 
will have to wait until March for a ruling in their case, after the 
magistrate delayed his decision at a hearing on Tuesday.

SW Radio Africa had reported earlier this week that the magistrate failed to 
turn up on Monday. That information was provided by a trusted source 
involved in the case, who has since informed us that it was the defence 
lawyer who failed to show up on 16 January, causing a one-day delay.

South African Peter Henning, Zimbabwean Robert Style, Swiss national Theresa 
Warth and Mauritians Benoit Lagesse and Benoit Fayd’herbe refused to vacate 
their houses on the farms after government seized all their land and 
agricultural equipment without compensation.

The authorities claim the farm seizures were part of the so-called land 
redistribution programme. But it was actually top officials within ZANU-PF 
illegally grabbing prime land through violence and intimidation.

On Tuesday the court concluded the trial of Mauritian farmer, Ben Fayd’herbe, 
and a ruling is expected on 27 January. The other cases were remanded to 14 
March, further delaying trials that have been dragging on in the courts for 
about three years.

One of the farmers said they are expecting a 90-day eviction order, which 
Fayd’herbe can challenge in a higher court. The delays have become a 
familiar ZANU-PF tactic, as they keep everyone tied up in legal proceedings 
while prolonging their grip on power in Zimbabwe.

Foreign nationals are also supposed to be protected by bilateral property 
agreements signed by Zimbabwe, but are not being honored. Zim authorities 
also dismissed a ruling by the regional human rights tribunal in Namibia, 
which said the land redistribution was racially discriminatory and 
constitutionally illegal.


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Killer poacher jailed 18 years   3/7/2019 The Chronicle Mashudu Netsianda, Senior Court Reporter A POACHER who ganged up with a colleague and fatally attacked a

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