Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Save Valley signs agreement with local chiefs

Save Valley signs agreement with local chiefs

By Alex Bell
01 November 2012

Officials at the Save Valley Conservancy have reached an agreement with 
seven local chiefs, in a move that could see the withdrawal of hunting 
permits recently handed over to ZANU PF officials.

The agreement, signed Tuesday, will see local community involvement in the 
Conservancy. Chief Nhema, (Ranganai Bwawanda of Zaka), Chief Tshovani (Felix 
Mundau of Chiredzi), Chief Gudo (Mavivi Karukai of Chiredzi) and Chief 
Msikavanhu (Vusani Mutumebvi of Chipinge) signed the agreement on behalf of 
their communities at Chishakwe Ranch in the conservancy. Levison Budzi 
represented Chief Budzi of Bikita while Norman Muchini signed the agreement 
on behalf of Chief Chamutsa of Buhera. Rodwell Mabuyaye signed on behalf of 
Chief Mutema of Chipinge.

The Conservancy has become the latest target of the ZANU PF led land grab 
campaign, despite warnings about the destructive consequences such a
campaign will have on the wildlife and tourism sectors. Earlier this year a 
parliamentary committee said in a damning report that the forced seizure of
Save by top political and military figures with “no interest (or) experience 
in wildlife conservation” had resulted in massive destruction there.

These same officials were given 25 year land leases for Save back in 2007, 
and then in August the group was handed hunting licences. Part of this group 
are war vets leader Joseph Chinotimba, Major General Gibson Mashingaidze, 
Major General Engelbert Rugeje, Masvingo Governor and Resident Minister 
Titus Maluleke, ZANU PF Masvingo provincial chairperson Lovemore Matuke, the 
late Higher Education Minister Stan Mudenge, Health Deputy Minister Douglas 
Mombeshora, ZANU PF central committee member Enock Porusingazi and ZANU PF 
MPs Alois Baloyi, Abraham Sithole, Samson Mukanduri and Noel Mandebvu.

Former ZANU PF MP and war vet Shuvai Mahofa was also a beneficiary of this 
campaign, illegally seizing the Savuli Ranch in the Save Valley Conservancy 
and evicting the owners and their employees this year. Mahofa has since been 
implicated in poaching, after a butchery she owns was raided by police and 
the carcasses of three buffalo and other bush meat was discovered.

Behind the scenes there have been ongoing meetings and discussions about 
what to do, particularly because of the strong public outcry that met news 
of the handover of the hunting licences to ZANU PF cronies. The meetings 
have included high level discussions of the ZANU PF politburo, and there is 
speculation the party has been attempting some damage control, to save face 
ahead of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation General Assembly, 
scheduled for next year at Victoria Falls.

The result of all this has been the agreement reached this week with 
officials at the Save Valley Conservancy and local chiefs from the 
surrounding areas. Wilfried Pabst, the Vice Chairman of the Conservancy, 
said the agreement was originally proposed back in 2000, but a refusal by 
the government to engage with them on this plan meant it was never 

“We have basically taken action into our own hands now and said to the local 
councils and chiefs ‘lets get together’,” Pabst explained, adding: “We could 
have done this years ago but we never had support from the government.”

He said the deal is the first step in involving the local communities in 
various projects at the Conservancy, to the benefit of all involved. He said 
the government’s attempts to ‘nationalise’ the Conservancy would be 
‘disastrous’, adding that the permits and hunting licences that were 
illegally handed over will soon be withdrawn.

“The leases are highly illegal. No one has ever produced a legal document,” 
Pabst said.

He also explained that the hunting permits were handed out illegally, and 
the individuals involved have since tried to extort thousands of dollars out 
of the Conservancy in exchange for the permits. He said that “Cabinet has 
decided to withdraw these licences and that will happen soon.” 


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