Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Tribute Award – Ben Purcell-Gilpin

Commercial Farmers’ Union

Pays Tribute to


Mr Peter Benjamin Purcell-Gilpin

The Commercial Farmers’ Union (CFU) wishes to acknowledge and pay tribute to Ben for his dedicated and outstanding service in representing and promoting the interests of the Commercial Farmers’ Union.

At all times over the past 9 years in your capacity as, initially managing ARAC until your most recent promotion to Director of the Commercial Farmers’ Union you have represented the farmers with distinction. You have showed yourself to possess an in depth knowledge of all the developments that might affect the Union and the membership that you represent.

Furthermore, you took over the reins of a much downsized Union during an extremely difficult time yet you have thrown yourself into the new position with extreme vigour and perseverance. Your skills in accountancy have certainly enabled you to make the Union’s financial controls and management far more accountable.

The Commercial Farmers’ Union also wishes to acknowledge the invaluable contribution you have made in mentoring and assisting fellow dispossessed farmers, especially the elderly, the sick and the destitute. In addition to showing such personal and selfless concern in the fate of the above your continued involvement on other voluntary organisations like FOST is fully recognised and greatly appreciated.

The Commercial Farmers’ Union therefore wishes to acknowledge and pay tribute to “Ben” Purcell-Gilpin for his dedicated and exemplary services.

Awarded with thanks during the Commercial Farmers’ Union 74th Annual Congress on Wednesday 20th September 2017 at the Winkfield Auditorium, ART Farm, Zimbabwe.


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      P L Steyl                                                                               A J Pascoe


     President                                                                              Vice-President


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