Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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We have a fresh list of land grabbers: Zimbabwe newspaper

We have a fresh list of land grabbers: Zimbabwe newspaper

by Ndou Paul
2011 April 24 11:16:26 | 85 Views

The MDC-T aligned Daily News say it is in possession of a fresh list of who 
has grabbed what farms in the country which shows that land grabbers now own 
five million hectares of Zimbabwe’s best agricultural land, or a third of 
all the land seized from white commercial farmers and some black business 
people over the past 11 years.

Daily News say that although not all the details on the list could not be 
verified with the alleged land grabbers at the time of going to Press, the 
list says the Mugabe’s own 13 farms, covering more than 15 000 hectares. 
Some of the farms especially in Norton have been merged into one.

Mugabe’s deputy Joice Mujuru, her husband Solomon Mujuru and a host of their 
relatives allegedly own at least 22 farms.

The only other prominent personality outside of Zanu PF who got a farm is 
Welshman Ncube from the smaller faction of the MDC.

Among the military top brass are the commander of the defence forces, 
Constantine Chiwenga, and air marshall Perence Shiri have two farms each.

Police commissioner general Augustine Chihuri is listed as having one farm.

It would appear that virtually all of Zanu PF’s politburo members, members 
of Parliament and senators were allocated farms.  The former ruling party’s 
patronage was also extended to many traditional leaders, as well as to some 
Supreme Court and High Court judges.

Surprisingly though, Reserve Bank governor Gideon Gono does not appear on 
the updated list, with sources even at the Commercial Farmers Union (CFU) 
confirming last night that he bought the farms that he owns.

The director general of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) Happyton 
Bonyongwe is also missing on the list and sources again said he bought his 
farm believed to be in Manicaland Province.

According to reports from different organisations like the CFU, government’s 
own investigation and non-governmental organisations, the Mugabe’s own 
Gushungo Estates (Mazowe), Gushungo Dairies (Mazowe), Iron Mask (Mazowe) , 
Sigaru farm (Mazowe), Gwebi Wood (Mazowe), Gwinha farm (Banket), Leverdale 
farm (Banket), Highfield farm (Norton), Cressydale farm (Norton), Tankatara 
farm (Norton), John O’Groat farm (Norton), Clifford farm (Norton), 
Smithfield Extension (Mazowe) and Bassville farm (Norton).

Mugabe’s close relatives own more than 20 farms. The relatives include 
Mugabe’s sisters and nephews, Leo Mugabe and Patrick Zhuwao.

Leo Mugabe owns three farms, Nangadza farm in Mhangura and Journey’s end 
farm in Makonde, Mashonaland East province and another farm believed to be 
in Banket. Zhuwao owns Marivale farm in Mazowe.

Mugabe’s late sister Sabina’s farm is listed as Rem Ext of Mlembwe (of 
Mimosa of Lembwe) in Makonde but the Daily News could not verify the other 
two farms under her name..

The First Lady’s late brother Reward Marufu is listed as owning Leopards 
Vlei farm in Glendale and Kachere farm in Mazowe.

Indigenisation and Youth Empowerment Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere is 
reported as owning three farms in Mazowe which are Usaka, Harmony, 
Re-extension of Pimento and Conurcorpia.

Commander Defence Forces, Constantine Chiwenga’s family is listed as owning 
three farms including Chakoma or Risumbeti farm in Goromonzi while his wife, 
Jocelyn owns Sheppard Hall farm.

According to the lists Local government minister, Ignatius Chombo sources 
confirmed that he owns Allan Grange and Oldham farms while two other farms 
are owned by relatives.

State security minister is said to own, Sydney Sekeremayi owns Maganga 
estate and Ulva farm, it has been said. Legal Affairs minister, Patrick 
Chinamasa owns Lot 1 of Mirror 2 in Nyazura and Nyazura farm in Rusape.

The lists say the Minister of Mines Obert Mpofu owns Umguza Block 39 farm 
and Auchenbery of Rochester in Nyamandhlovu.

Kasukuwere became angry when the Daily News made inquiries saying the 
questions were stupid.

“Go ahead and publish those farms you are talking about. That’s stupid. 
Those rumours must come to an end. That’s stupid,” Kasukuwere said before 
cutting off.

Chombo denied that he owns more than one farm and refused to give any 
details about which farm he owns. He said: “Go back to your sources and 
confirm with them. Why don’t you check with the Agriculture department? I 
don’t know about that. Go ahead and publish what you have.”

Sekeramayi cut off his phone soon after the Daily News reporter identified 

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai spokesperson, Luke Tamborinyoka said the 
multiple farm ownership is one of the 24 agreed issues that have not been 
resolved by the unity government.


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