Kudakwashe Ruzive
CLOSE to 90 000 hectares will be put under wheat this winter season, surpassing the national target by over 5 000 hectares, which raises the prospect that output will also be more than targeted.
Farmers had already planted 53 000 hectares by last week compared to 44 000 hectares put under the cereal by the same time last year.
The Government has set a national target of 85 000 hectares of winter wheat, with expected national harvest forecast above 400 000 tonnes.
This year’s winter wheat farming is being supported through three programmes: CBZ Agro Yield, Presidential Input Support Scheme and a Private Contractors Scheme.
Agricultural Technical and Extension Services (Agritex) acting director Mr Stancilae Tapererwa told The Sunday Mail that the private sector scheme had already surpassed its target.
“As at June 11, 2021, a total of 53 846 hectares of wheat had been planted,” he said.
“This represents 63 percent of the target of 85 000 hectares.
“The cumulative area planted is coming out of three sectors and the distribution is as follows: Agro Yield had 35 188 hectares planted out of a target of 60 000 hectares, the Presidential Support Scheme had 2 636 hectares out of a target of 10 000 hectares and the Private Sector Scheme had 16 022 hectares planted out of a target of 15 000 hectares.”
Planting is still in progress in some areas that missed the June 15 deadline.
Mr Tapererwa said it was too early to project the estimated output because the crop was still germinating.
“Hence, we are in the process of compiling total area planted under wheat by the expiry of the deadline.
“However, in terms of area planted, same time last year a total of 44 466 hectares had been planted compared to 53 846 hectares this year.”
Zimbabwe tripled its wheat production last year after producing over 250 000 tonnes of the cereal — enough to cover nine months’ supply, saving the country at least US$100 million through import substitution. The country needs at least 400 000 tonnes of wheat annually to meet demand.
This year’s projected harvest is anticipated to be the largest since commercial wheat farming started in the 1960s.