Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Why we’re stuck in the dark

Why we’re stuck in the dark

Don’t know about you but 16 hour long power cuts are starting to get me 
down. This update from the Zimbabwe Power Company helps to explain the 
current spate of bad power:

It is with regret that I advise of the fact that we (Zimbabwe Power 
Company) lost the four producing units at Hwange Power Station yesterday 
afternoon (Wednesday 25th April). One unit was brought back onto the grid 
last night and we hope to bring a second, larger unit, back around 4am 
tomorrow (Friday 26th April). Repair on the third unit is scheduled for 
completion such that it will be ‘returned to service’ on Saturday morning. 
Two phase one (smaller) units are having their rotors re-wired in South 
Africa – this is major work.

Kariba has five units on line with the sixth due back on the grid in 
mid-May after routine, but critical, maintenance ahead of winter.

The Hwange and Kariba expansion plans remain on program at this time. 
The tenders are out and close in June. this will be followed by 2 three 
month periods for tender review and finalisation of funding/award. 
Thereafter construction will take between three to four years (2016-17).

R. Maasdorp
Chairman ZPC

This entry was posted on April 27th, 2012 at 12:41 pm by Amanda Atwood


107MW solar plant for Hwange

107MW solar plant for Hwange   12/7/2019 The Chronicle Pride Mahlangu, Business Reporter INDEPENDENT power producer, Power Ventures (Private) Limited, has applied for a licence

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