Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Wild animals wreak havoc on cane farmers

Wild animals wreak havoc on cane farmers

Saturday, 01 December 2012 00:00

From George Maponga in Masvingo
Marauding wild animals have destroyed nearly 1000 hectares of sugar cane at 
Mkwasine Estates and surrounding areas in Chiredzi, severely crippling 
operations of hundreds of resettled farmers in the area.

Wild animals such as elephants, buffaloes, baboons and monkeys from Save 
Valley Conservancy, Gonarezhou National Park and other private wild life 
sanctuaries have been roaming freely in the sugar cane estates in Mkwasine 
destroying vast swathes of cane crop in the process.
Over 500 resettled farmers are affected.

Zimbabwe Sugarcane Development Association chairman Mr Edmore Veterai 
yesterday said hundreds of farmers at Mkwasine Estates and surrounding areas 
were facing a bleak farming season as result of the damage caused by wild 

Mr Veterai said there was need for contingency measures to be taken to 
salvage the farmers’ operations, which are on the verge of collapse.

“On average each of the hundreds of affected farmers has since the beginning 
of this year lost about 45 percent of their cane crop to wild animals which 
are roaming freely in the Lowveld.

”The wild animals are elephants, buffaloes, baboons and monkeys which our 
investigations have proved they are coming from Save Valley Conservancy, 
Gonarezhou National Park and private game parks in the Lowveld,” said Mr 

He said they had already engaged the National Parks and Wildlife Management 
Authority to intervene and allow farmers to shoot the marauding wild 

“The worst affected farmers are in Mkwasine, Mapanza, and Porepore sugar 
estates and most of the cane farmers might record heavy loses and fail to 
repay bank loans if the problem of rampaging wild animals is not urgently 
attended to,” Mr Veterai said

The Zimbabwe Sugarcane Development Association said farmers were raising 
funds to set up a perimeter fence that would stop wild animals from prowling 
on their sugar cane.

Communities around the wildlife-rich Save Valley Conservancy and the 
Gonarezhou National Park have over the past few years borne the brunt of 
wild animals that are roaming freely and terrorising them after the collapse 
of a perimeter fence that used to provide a barrier between the communities 
and wildlife. 


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