Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

World Bank Appoints Zim Representative

World Bank Appoints Zim Representative

6 hours 2 minutes ago

Harare, June 15, 2011 – The World Bank has stepped up its engagement with 
Zimbabwe as it has appointed a country manager for Harare ending a two year 
absence in a country whose economy is still faced with high unemployment and 
low economic activity.

On Wednesday, the new representative Kundhavi Kadiresan met with various 
business representatives and senior government officials, including Finance 
Minister Tendai Biti. Kadiresan, who will be based in Lusaka will also be in 
charge of Malawi and Zambia respectively. Previously, she was based in 
Uganda. Kadiresan refused reveal her strategy and plans for Zimbabwe saying 
she was still consulting.

“This is my first visit and an introductory visit, but I will be based in 
Lusaka,” she told Radio VOP.
“I will be meeting with senior government officials, private sector and 
other developing partners.”

One of the main issues which Kadiresan will address is to produce a debt 
strategy on Zimbabwe and also assist the country with policy formulation.

The World Bank ended engagement with Zimbabwe in 2002, following the holding 
of the presidential elections which the West condemned as a sham.

On Wednesday morning, she had a breakfast meeting with Tawanda Gumbo, CEO, 
Deloitte & Touche,Winston Chitando, CEO, Mimosa Mining, Lishon Chipango, 
CEO, Interfresh,Tendai Madziwanyika, Managing Director, African Sun Limited, 
Kumbirai Katsande, Managing Director, Nestle Zimbabwe, Luke Ngwerume, Group 
Chief Ex Officer, Old Mutual, Bothwell Nyajeka, Chief Finance Officer, TA 
Holdings, Charles Taffs, Vice President, Commercial Farmers Union, Mhembere, 
Zimplats, CEO/MD, Mr. Matiza, ZNCC, CEO and Mushayavanhu, BAZ President, CEO 
for FBC Bank at a local hotel.


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