Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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ZANU PF forcing resettled farmers to join party structures

ZANU PF forcing resettled farmers to join party structures

By Tererai Karimakwenda
04 October 2012

Resettled farmers in many districts of Chimanimani are being forced to join 
ZANU PF structures, or risk losing the land they were given and being sent 
back to their original home.

Local activist, Peter Chogura, reported that the strategy being used by ZANU 
PF in resettled areas is working because they won more districts in the last 
election. According to Chogura, officials from ZANU PF have been approaching 
the local headmen and demanding a list of the farmers who are paying the 
traditional tax in that constituency. These are families that were resettled 
by government about four years ago, as part of the land redistribution 

Chogura said they are offered positions within ZANU PF structures or private 
companies owned by ZANU PF. But the offer also comes with a threat, which 
basically gives the farmers no choice.

The latest incidents were reported by resettled farmers in ward 13 
Chimanimani, in areas of Manatse and Nyaruwa. One farmer in ward 13 was 
offered a position as the ‘agricultural price control officer’, which meant 
nothing to him.

According Chogura, the farmer’s sisters were told to act as ‘cheerleaders’ 
at ZANU PF rallies and meetings. They were told that only MDC supporters 
would refuse to help the party that gave them land.

The farmer implicated the ZANU PF district chairman for ward 13, Thomas 
Chisiku and another known as Tsangamidzi, who works with ZANU PF legislator 
for Chimanimani, Samuel Udenge.

According to Chogura, ZANU PF has also managed to convince many of the 
resettled farmers that only Robert Mugabe has power to give them land, and 
if he is voted out of office the farms will be returned to white farmers.

The activist warned the MDC-T that they will lose many supporters in the 
resettled areas if they do not focus on this ZANU PF strategy and find ways 
to educate the resettled farmers. 


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